Would you want to see your woman having sex with another guy?

Every once in awhile I think about watching my wife getting railed by another guy. My dick briefly gets hard until it occurs to me that some dude would be inside MY WIFE!:eek: My jealousy, it seems, would far outweigh any pleasure I might derive from this sight. Naturally. I have wondered if other guys have thought about watching their woman get fucked. If so, have you thought as I or do you think you could put your jealousy aside? Have you gone through with it? If so, did you enjoy watching her get pumped or did you regret it? Finally, what effects did it have on your relationship? Would appreciate some feedback.
Doesn't do anything for me. I don't even find it arousing in the slightest, infact it's actually one of the last things I'd ever want to see my girlfriend do.

But then that's just me.
Now there's a MAJOR question...
I would automaticly say NO, but thinking about it for a while it actualy gave me a boner...
I would still be fucking jealous, anyway...
if i was married or that i had a girlfriend it will be no in any case.I am loyal and honest to her so she has to be the same with me. period.
What about watching your wife/GF fucking another woman. I'm sure some of us might respond differently. I know I sure would.
Sutty said:
I've only been going out with my girl a month or so and the thought of another bloke banging her makes my blood boil:mad: :fight:

i understand you very well


Whether it is a man or a woman, I would not want to see them pleasure my wife. Let's just say my actions would make the top story of the evening news.

I admit when I first got together with my wife I had these crazy fantasies. But the more we grew together in our marriage the more I thought, what the fuck am I thinking, even the thought of it is completely immoral and disrespectful towards her.

Anyways, I'm not impressed, this thread is ridiculous and needs to be deleted already.
Scorpion said:
Whether it is a man or a woman, I would not want to see them pleasure my wife. Let's just say my actions would make the top story of the evening news.

I admit when I first got together with my wife I had these crazy fantasies. But the more we grew together in our marriage the more I thought, what the fuck am I thinking, even the thought of it is completely immoral and disrespectful towards her.

Anyways, I'm not impressed, this thread is ridiculous and needs to be deleted already.

very true scorpion i agree on all heart with ya.;) :)
I'd have to agree with <b> Scorpion </b>,

I wouldn't want to see my wife being pleasured by anyone but me. Yeah, when we 1st got together the fantasies were there, but that's what they should be - just fantasies...
What is it with all you guys?

Someone asks a legit question and right away everyone wants to delete the thread...

The guy was talking about fantasizing, and one of the major topics in my book (at least) is fantasizing in bed. I mean, all us horny guys in this forum look at porn and enjoy it, and that's what fantasizing is all about.

So stop being so self rightious, and get off your high horses!
If you can't take the wind, get out of Chicago...
zoobi said:
What is it with all you guys?

Someone asks a legit question and right away everyone wants to delete the thread...

The guy was talking about fantasizing, and one of the major topics in my book (at least) is fantasizing in bed. I mean, all us horny guys in this forum look at porn and enjoy it, and that's what fantasizing is all about.

So stop being so self rightious, and get off your high horses!
If you can't take the wind, get out of Chicago...

i am not from chicago but i havesome friends who live in chicago.
yes for fantaisy but no for unloyalty


Oh, so now we are talking about loyalty?

the way I see it, looking at porn on the net isn't actualy being loyal either, but we all do it anyway...
and what about enjoying pics and vids of gangbangs, threesoms, foursoms, swingers? Don't you enjoy those?

So the guy gets off by watching his wife get nailed by someone else, what's the big crime here?
the crime is that it is a provocative question that was adressed to all the members.


Georges, I'm suprised at your answer...
YOU of all people are suddenly put off by something provocative?!