Would you like to lick a pussy?

Natasha Kaplinsky's [untill my tongue is paralised through over use].


Closed Account
Is the Who's pussy do you want to lick list different than the Who do you want to fuck every day list? :dunno:

True. Should just start a list thread of "List a pornstar" as it would do just the same job. Or on the same level, "whats your favorite jam" (admittedly, I should hit the search button, as I'm sure it has probably been a thread before).

What really gets me is the fact that people still add to it, no matter how old, or out of date, or whatever was said in the post before them. By default I am actually contradicting myself by posting in this thread and returning it to the top, but I'm sure that most people don't even read the thread i.e. see header, head straight to the last page and add a "Jenna Jameson" or whoever is flavor of the month.

Just to prove my point, I will risk banning myself by saying that the next person who posts after me is a dumb fucker who shags his mum, hasn't read this post therefore will just add a name.

I watch and wait.