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Would you intervene if...

Will E Worm

Why is most people's response to call the police? :facepalm:

Beat the guy and when you're finished tie him up and leave a note like Spiderman would do.


I allready intervened when I saw a man beating a woman on the street. If it was a guy been beating up, he has to deal with his own shit.


The police are usually the ones doing the beating!!!

He is a sexist and the police are usually the ones beating people.
Last night I stepped between 3 guys kicking 1 guy on the ground in the parking lot of some pub. They saId they were doing it because he hit his girlfriend. WTF do I do then?? I told them he'd had enough and to fuck off. I hope it wasn't true :mad:
Yes, I would. Your actions could be the difference between someone dying or living.

Everyone and every situation is different. We all should do what we can and what makes sense for our particular ability or the particular circumstance.

I would hope everyone would intervene on some level, even if that means calling for the help of more capable people.


Hiliary 2020
In my younger and more vulnerable years as I was entering a bar I saw a guy get laid out with one punch.
Young, mushbrain liberal, just voted for dukakis gonna save the world meesterp helped the man into his pristine 73 Cougar XR7 351c and gave the guy a ride home.
He then wouldn't get out of my car.
After maybe 20 minutes of this bullshit I had to pull him out physically and we almost fought.
Fuckin drunks.

On a positive note when I lived in Florida there were always bar fights, real free for alls.
During one where about 20 guys are going ape shit in a little beer bar I saw one guy about easy 250 lbs punch a guy who wasn't looking and leaning against the wall that was maybe 5'6" hard and knocked him out cold.
The punch was lethal.
He then from over top his out for the count body started whaling him in the face. With all the shit going on no one noticed but me so I got the big guy in a full nelson and ripped him off then to avoid him jumping on me I said , "dude I think you killed him , get thefuck out of here" and he bolted.
After that girls were screaming , "he dying, he's not breathing" .
He was fucked up. Ambulance came, took him away, his face looked like a bloody eggplant.
I know a few more shots very well may have killed this kid, these were like tyson blows he was getting.
I believe I saved his life.
I remember what ignited that one., one of many Southern boys and northern boys don't mix well brawls I was in the middle of .Two guys sitting next to me arguing over who is the toughest hockey player, cam Neally or Bob Probert, The cam neally guy punched the Probert guy then all hell broke loose........Those were the days.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Last night during my break from work I went to the McDonalds next door to eat. There was a couple in there and I guess they were having a fight (who goes to McDonalds to break up?!) and long story short the guy started to grab the girl as she was trying to leave and I told him to fuck off. And I still had time to finish my Big Mac and get back to work on time. Huzzah.
Yes I would and yes I have but only after surveying the situation to make sure any kind of intervention was needed and I wasnt just being nosey/prying.
I had a pretty close female friend who got involved with a total loser. He started hitting her, and I knew it. Without her knowledge, twice after I noticed fresh bruises on her I went to his place and damaged him pretty badly. She left him very shortly afterwards. It turns out that when the threat of violence was taken away, he couldn't make her too afraid to leave.

Now it is important to understand that I am an extremely non-violent person. If, however, you are intentionally damaging people who love you for your own twisted pleasure, I'm going to fuck you up. And, it turns out, I'm pretty good at it.
Always. :mad: I'm a stern defender of justice who always helps those in need; even if at extreme risk of bodily injury to myself. :cool: Maybe I read too many comics growing up... :dunno:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Personally, I just clicked on this (again) to read Stan's story. I had no idea who Alan Douglas-Home was either. But now I do. And I have to remember that I owe Stan some rep for that brilliantly told story. :clap:

As for what I'd do in this situation or that situation, like I've said in discussions revolving around our various democracy spreading, nation building exercises: I think nations should generally mind their own business, as I generally mind my own business. Unless I really know the other person or they're a friend or family member (if we're being honest and not just putting on a show to prove how gallant we are or what a sense of make believe chivalry we have), I do not and will not jump into violent situations that do not concern me. If it involved an elderly person getting beaten down or mugged or a child being abused (something like that), yes, I'd step in. But in the case of a crowd/mob, for all I know, the mob is beating down a child molester. And me jumping in to help him would probably just make the mob think I'm with him. And I'd get some of the same medicine he's getting. And then, my last and departing words would be on my tombstone: "Child molester??? Wait! What???!!!" So the best I can do for him is call 911. And my pal Trooper Buddy has told me so many stories about domestic disturbance calls that he went on in his younger days that the last thing I'd do is jump between a guy and a girl fighting with each other. He almost got a steak knife in the ribs years ago when he took down a Bubba Badass, who was whipping a Daisy Mae's ass in a trailer park. He turned his back on her (the "victim"), and she tried to stick him with the knife when he went to handcuff her "old man". If not for his partner drawing his Beretta and pointing it at her chest, I might not have anyone to bring me that fine clear liquor when we get to the lake on Monday. So not just no, but hell no... I don't get into other people's affairs.

All this makes me think back to (many) years ago when my ex-fiance and I were arguing as we left a mall. A mutual friend of ours used to say that if me and the señorita weren't fucking we were probably fighting - not physically, but we could kick up some dust arguing. Two Type A personalities in a relationship is not a good mix... as I eventually came to realize. So standing in the parking lot, beside my car, there I am at 6'3", looking like I ate steroids for breakfast (back when I was still lifting weights), we were at it hard & heavy about her using my credit card to fund her latest acquisition of Prada shoes or Gucci handbags. And this little well meaning (I'm sure), twerpy looking guy runs up and asks her if she's OK or if she needs any help. He didn't even speak to me - which is what really set me off. All I can remember telling him is how I would fuck him up so bad that his family would need dental records to identify his mangled body. So he looks at her again, like she would appreciate him risking a beating from a crazed mad man and then stand up for him. But what does she do? She looks him dead in the eye, with that arrogant and disdainful look that she could muster SO well, and with a haughty Spanish accent said, "Who are you?! No, who do you think you are?! Get away from me before he kills you!" She could have cut his balls off and it wouldn't have been any more emasculating than what she said to the wannabe Knight in Shining Armor. I almost felt sorry for him as he shuffled away... with that sad, confused look on his face. But he should have minded his own business... or called 911, if he was genuinely concerned for her safety.

Me? I never signed on with King Arthur, never sat at the Round Table, am well past the age that I need to prove how tough I am and I don't wear a badge on my chest. So the best I can do for you is to call 911. :dunno:

My name is Bennet and I ain't in it. :hatsoff:


For the EMPEROR!!
Have done it when I was younger and less cynical. I remember I once tried to help this sheila getting smacked by this guy. I ended up having to fight both him and fend her off as she tried to jump on my back and claw my eyes out. ..
I had a pretty close female friend who got involved with a total loser. He started hitting her, and I knew it. Without her knowledge, twice after I noticed fresh bruises on her I went to his place and damaged him pretty badly. She left him very shortly afterwards. It turns out that when the threat of violence was taken away, he couldn't make her too afraid to leave.

Now it is important to understand that I am an extremely non-violent person. If, however, you are intentionally damaging people who love you for your own twisted pleasure, I'm going to fuck you up. And, it turns out, I'm pretty good at it.

Were you an "enforcer" in Juniors? :D
...you heard or seen a man beating a woman? A group of guys beating up another guy?


Definitely....and I have.


Is somewhere outhere.
When I was younger and knew if it was undeservedly,then I stepped in.But
now i'd just phone the police and let them sort it out.After all we pay them
to do so :)
When I was younger and knew if it was undeservedly,then I stepped in.But
now i'd just phone the police and let them sort it out.After all we pay them
to do so :)

Phoning the police is a good thing.