Would you have sex with a porn star!

I don't think I would.
Just too much risk involved, and the situation is just asking for something to go wrong.
Ummmm geee let me think, methinks yeah.
WOW, someone finally asked that question around here. :rofl2:

By the way, Hell Yeah.
I know its about time someone made Would you have sex with a porn start thread
Wow, so, is this question actually asked a lot or are you guys serious and it is never asked........

The industry, due to testing, yadda, yadda, yadda, is certainly no worse than meeting someone in a bar and hooking up with them. Although, bad things happen, we keep it pretty safe and I have had not one single issue. Hey, but, porn is porn and you'll hate it or love or be closet fans.......

Life is good................I everyone is smiling and having a sexy evening.
