Would you ever suck a dick?

Would you ever suck a cock?

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To me, this isn't about being open minded, or closed minded, or whatever. To me this is about.... would I ever want to suck a dick? No. Would I do it for any amount of money, or for any kind of.... reward? Nope. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I just have no desire to go down on another fellow, and I can't think of any scenerio where it would be a good idea. Hahaha.

If someone had a gun to my head? Even then, I like to think my answer would be "No". I'd rather die, than to compromise my own moral standard. This isn't something I want to impose on anyone else... I just would personally never respect myself again.

Also, I probably wouldn't much care for the taste.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Id say no, but thanks for asking. :)
I know a few who claim themselves as tough guys but had actually done it by a shemale, so i think its gay. I think money was a big part of the reason why they had done such a thing.
I heard a comedian say something like this one time and it cracked me up: "I only sucked a dick once, because I really, really needed a ride. I'm just kidding . . . I didn't need the ride."
I'd do it for a million considering my current financial situation.

Otherwise, it not in consideration at all. They'll have to just shiv me in prison
A million tax free dollars buys a lot of deniability.

And if you have a million dollars, you know what you can do?

Two chicks at the same time, man...