Would you bang dolly parton?

Before the face lift? Especially how she looked in the 90's after she lost the weight? Would love to.

Now? Not sure. Maybe.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I love tits, I love hole.

WIN WIN, I believe.

Will E Worm

I guess if someone is into grandma porn then they would. She way too old.

I never liked her in that way. She seems nice though.
me too
now she looks like a lich with boobs
I would bang every woman ...

She isn't the nicest looking woman in her age group, but she'd do I suppose.
You're about 20 years late with the question.

Back then, hell yes!

Today, fuck no!


Loves the double vag
Based on that photo hell yes ! even if she is 70 something, Plus I gotta be honest, I'd do it just for braggibg rights.


Oh yes, I'd rag the hell out of her. She'd think it was the end of the world.