ST[B][URL=" said:Diva[/URL][/B], post: 5486608, member: 239508"]Nah. He must have been a good lookin guy. Can't fault her for that.
I can only see this being a problem if her ex was a woman. Then you should probably kill yourself.
Hell yes I'd be offended. I mean, ex's are ex's for a reason right? So if she liked you because you reminded her of her might mean that she's still harboring feelings for him. Otherwise she'd be repulsed by you because most ex's tend to leave a bad taste in your mouth, so to speak.
I'm thinking of the ex I'm closest to (actually, we're best friends still), but if I met a guy that looked like him...I'd be like wtf stay away from me.
Hell yes I'd be offended. I mean, ex's are ex's for a reason right? So if she liked you because you reminded her of her might mean that she's still harboring feelings for him. Otherwise she'd be repulsed by you because most ex's tend to leave a bad taste in your mouth, so to speak.
I'm thinking of the ex I'm closest to (actually, we're best friends still), but if I met a guy that looked like him...I'd be like wtf stay away from me.
No offense meant/thanks for the input, but you're a girl. You don't exactly have the same perspective here as us guys do... :bowdown::dunno:
What's to be offended about? If you buy a banana and it's rotten inside, you don't stop eating bananas forever. If the ex says straight up, "The only reason I am with you is because you look like my ex" then I can see the problem. But if they're just attracted to you because you look similar, what's the problem? Good looking is good looking.
Sure, but I'm a girl and I'm thinking with the mind of a girl...if I started dating a guy because he looked like my ex, it'd probably be because I'm still attracted to my ex, or had feelings for him. Now I'm not speaking for all girls, just myself here...but yeah. Most of my ex's, I'd be turned off if a guy I was dating looked like one of them but if I found myself attracted to a guy because he looked like an ex I was fond'd probably be because I have feelings leftover for them. Again, just me.![]()
And on the flipside, I'd be offended if a guy even mentioned his ex to me, let alone comparing me to her. But I guess guys think differently. *shrugs*
Right? :dunno::wtf:
LOOK. I'm not debating the validity of your statements, I'm dating the necessity of them. You can't think like a guy. PERIOD. And a woman's opinion isn't what we need on this particular subject. This is a "hey dude" type question. Although (like I said before), your input is appreciated, there's no need to get on any sort of high (or fucking short, really... :dunnohorse, because this isn't your fight. I mean if you were watching a pro sports game would you run out onto the field/whatnot and try to join the game? Because that (to me :2 cents
seems like what you're doing here... :2 cents::dunno: