Whenever I saw her, I always thought of that line from the Sheryl Crow song, "A Change Will Do You Good":
Mercedes Ruehl, and a rented Lear... Bottom feeder insincere
I remember her from Bloomberg News where she co-hosted a morning show. I liked her on that. She was kind of an annoying know-it-all, but since she did know a helluva lot, she could usually pull it off. She didn't mind asking business leaders and puffy analysts tough questions - that's for sure. I don't watch MSNBC, so I didn't know what happened to her. That's so weird. Why would someone with so much background in finance, who worked in hedge fund sales and derivatives for Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse, wind up slumming on MSNBC? No offense to people who like that echo chamber network, but I mean, she's like the real deal when it comes to business knowledge and financial reporting. Wonder why she didn't go to CNBC from her spot in Bloom-town instead? She's pretty involved in some rah-rah feminist causes, so maybe her political banter and public stances were more than CNBC wanted to deal with? Oh well... :dunno:
Yeah, give her one in the old hoo-hah for me, Dino.