Worst voice acting in videogames

Yeah, that's a pretty good one. I liked #16 at 3:43.

"Before you die, I'm gonna tell you a little secret just to make it so you really don't want to die."

And #11 is good too, especially the "okay" at the end


I love the obvious english speaking guys trying to put a stereotypical asian accent on every word. That's gotta be offensive to some people


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
This proves that RE1 is the best ever :D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
#40 sounds like a gay guy trying to play D&D.

And 23...

"He wrote it in his own blood!"

"His own blood? Way to go, kid!"
"That explains it. That smell wasn't this toilet, it was a dead body!"


I'm sorry, I just can't get over some of these lines
Ah man hearing the voices from RE1 takes me back! Even though it was cheesy as hell the game was class!

Some of my favourites of that clip are:

39: "We did it, we deactivated the bombbbb!!!"

32: "I eat guys like you for breakfast!"

26: "Hold me if im dying...and vice versa ok?"

12: "I can only die once.....UHH!" LMFAO!

9: This one is pure gold, i wont write it down just listen to it! Sorta sounds like there trying to rap (in a shitty way)

Some of these are class, the way they say the lines is better than the lines themselves!