Worst video game movies

The worst ive seen has to be Alone In The Dark, Double Dragon and Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life.

Have to get around to seeing Max Payne, hope it lives up to how brill the game was!

Don't see max payne unless you know nothing of the series, if you know the series & the plots you well be disappointed. But alot of people who know nothing of the series seemed to enjoy it a little. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it a little but I wish it could have had alot more action & gun fights, after all it's based on max payne. The action should have been on the level of the movie shoot'm up of course more realistic & serious instead of funny & corny.
Heh, I knew the list was gonna be chock full o' Uwe Boll before I even started to go through it. Despite the bad rap his movies get, I still want to try and watch some of these movies some day.

I don't know how Uwe Boll gets hired to do so many movies, I probably wouldn't mind him if he didn't completely fuck up alot of video game movies that had potential.
Worst would probably be that Final Fantasy movie. Best would be the first Mortal Kombat movie. :)

Must confess though I haven't seen that many of the ones mentioned here...
There is a Far Cry film???

I didn't mind Max Payne film. I thought it was ok.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Haven't seen Max Payne, is it worth watching?
If you can borrow Max Payne or buy it cheap you can't go wrong. I wouldn't spend too much on it. Then again, I never buy films whole priced, I get them at this one store that discounts them or sells them used between 5-15 dollars. :hatsoff:

It's a good watch.
Haven't seen Max Payne, is it worth watching?

Don't see max payne unless you know nothing of the series, if you know the series & the plots you well be disappointed. But alot of people who know nothing of the series seemed to enjoy it a little. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it a little but I wish it could have had alot more action & gun fights, after all it's based on max payne. The action should have been on the level of the movie shoot'm up of course more realistic & serious instead of funny & corny. Unless you can forget it's suppose to be based on max payne then watch it, it's not horrible it's an ok time waster when you're bored but if you are going to watch it because it's based on the video game you'll be disappointed. I say watch it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I've played Max Payne 1, does that count as knowing the series?
Worse - Mortal Kombat (2nd one) - Too many new characters with not enough movie time.
Worser -Super Mario Bros....All humans no turtles, and what happened to Luigi's stache?
Worst - Street Fighter...WTF was that? Even MC Hammer's song on the soundtrack couldn't even make people go see this movie. (At that time MC Hammer was big)