Worst film you have ever seen?

White Noise was pretty fuckin terrible.

cindy CD/TV

I admit Hudson Hawk is a horrible move, but to be honest there is something about it I like.
I guess a guilty pleasure.

We all got guilty pleasures for sure. Confession time: My fav. guilty movie pleasures are Bloodrayne (see below) Wing Commander and Big Trouble in Little China :facepalm:

Bloodrayne is in my top 5 crappiest of all time.

Oh yeah, it was a real stinker. :eeew: :ban2: And so was the sequel. But at least Kristanna Loken :)lovecoupl) was smokin' hot in the sex scene. So, yeah, I own the DVD. I even actually bought it. D'oh...
Blair Witch Project 2
Kill Bill Volume 2
Star Wars Episode 1: The phantom anus
Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
Grown Ups
Puddle Jumper
ghost busters 2
Born on the fourth of July
Eyes Wide Shut
Thelma and Louise
Pretty Woman
Anything that begins with "Tyler Perry's........"
Any of the Big Mama movies
Breakin' and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo
Mr. Woodcock
Date Night

Platoon. are you sure?


Seriously? i thought that movie was pretty damn good.

Much better than Avatar course I thought that was a steaming pile...

Worst movies I've seen in the last few years:

X-Men 2 and 3
The Last Airbender (The cartoon however is amazing)
Thor - entertaining but falling well short of how good it should have been

I'm seeing Thor tomorrow.

I agree with you on Avatar.


We all got guilty pleasures for sure. Confession time: My fav. guilty movie pleasures are Bloodrayne (see below) Wing Commander and Big Trouble in Little China :facepalm:

Oh yeah, it was a real stinker. :eeew: :ban2: And so was the sequel. But at least Kristanna Loken :)lovecoupl) was smokin' hot in the sex scene. So, yeah, I own the DVD. I even actually bought it. D'oh...

Big trouble in Little China was great!

cindy CD/TV

Just my opinion, and I realize many LOVED this film, but ... No Country for Old Men. Hated it. :throwup: Hated Josh Brolin. Hated Tommy Lee Jones. REALLY hated Javier Bardem. :ban: The plot was stupid, plodding and not very creative. It isn't like I didn't get it. I did. It's like the filmmakers were really busy trying to make some artsy indy film that was so clever and avant garde that they failed to execute at even the most basic Syfy-type level. :facepalm: The opposite of this would be Pulp Fiction. NCFOM just didn't work for me. And after two hours of that shit (and about what seemed like half the movie being spent showing Brolin trying to hide the money in that fucking vent), I was ready to blow my own head off with Bardem's fucking potato gun. :violent: ;) Oscar winner my ass. Somebody's dick got sucked to get the trophy, I'm sure of it. :tinhat::D
Benjamin Button, stupid plot that made no sense and was never believable. Never lived up to the hype although seeing America through the ages was interesting viewing but that was it.
Just my opinion, and I realize many LOVED this film, but ... No Country for Old Men. Hated it. :throwup: Hated Josh Brolin. Hated Tommy Lee Jones. REALLY hated Javier Bardem. :ban: The plot was stupid, plodding and not very creative. It isn't like I didn't get it. I did. It's like the filmmakers were really busy trying to make some artsy indy film that was so clever and avant garde that they failed to execute at even the most basic Syfy-type level. :facepalm: The opposite of this would be Pulp Fiction. NCFOM just didn't work for me. And after two hours of that shit (and about what seemed like half the movie being spent showing Brolin trying to hide the money in that fucking vent), I was ready to blow my own head off with Bardem's fucking potato gun. :violent: ;) Oscar winner my ass. Somebody's dick got sucked to get the trophy, I'm sure of it. :tinhat::D

You have a supporter here.That movie was a rolled up piece of shit.It seemed pretty slow in the beginning,but I got really interested in it when Brolin's character was in the motel and Anton blew the door knob off and it hit Brolin in the chest.The whole sequence to follow was pretty good,but then the movie took a huge nose dive,and the ending was the worst ending that I've ever seen in a movie.It was like The Coens just gave up on it.

I have great vitriol for that movie,and can't understand why all the stupid fucking critic are swinging from The Coen Brothers dicks on that film.

As for your comment,I didn't have any problem with any of the performances,but the plot,the pacing were fucking dreadful.
A definite guilty pleasure for me is Bloodsport. I was convinced after watching that movie as a kid that I would grow up and be the next JCVD.
For me, it changes so often as to the worst film, but hmmmm... lately.

Ah yes- the cinematic, corn-filled turd that was "McGruber". I actually want pain and suffering money from the makers of that.
ruh roh. Don't go there Ralph. For some of us, it's a wonderful guilty pleasure!!! ;):1orglaugh

You are missing my point.It's not a guilty pleasure,it's just a good movie plain and simple.