World of Warcraft


I played it until about four months ago. Had a lv70 warlock, rogue and paladin.
Never have, never will. I don't see what all the hype is about.
From pictures i've seen, the graphics are too cartoon like. It's no different to Guild Wars or other MMO's.

From what i gather, WOW is like a 3D runescape (horrible game).
Played wow to 70 on my orc warr, really didnt like the game... hoped it got better at 70...

Nope, it didnt... i really cant see why so many people like it, i personally think it's total junk.
I do. Got four 70's...Resto Druid, Rogue, two Holy Priests.
A 60 Shaman, and some other alts.
Druid is Alliance, all the rest are Horde.

I have to admit the game seems to have lost a lot of its luster since Blizz handed it over to Team Everquest... :2 cents:
I absolutely love the game. Before I started playing about 2 years ago... I thought it looked completely stupid plus I kept hearing people getting addicted to it. Sadly, now I am one of the 9 million ppl who are addicted and it's really fun. Don't judge the game unless you give it a chance. $15 monthly fee is nothing if you get something called a job.

- 70 rogue on KJ.
I play for 2 years... on Garona server.
Mage 70 - alliance
Warlock 70 - alliance
War 67 - alliance
Priest 42 - alliance
I'm downloading it right now to try some unofficial server.
I don't feel guilty for that, i just want to try the game, I would never buy game time for wow.

Not that I would never buy a game with monthly fee... I think I will play age of Conan... and the elder scrolls online (when we will have some more news about that)
i played it on a private server for a certain time,but i didn´t llay it for a very long time...
but my best character was a nightelf far as i remember he was in level 42...:rolleyes:


Even though I'm extremely glad I stopped playing it I can't say it's a bad game.
There's no MMO even comparably as good as WOW on the market (yet). There's seemingly unlimited content (which makes it addictive), great interface and combat system that's balanced between classes like no other game, an extremely active community with custom UIs, plenty of players active and constant updates. Also, the game is so big that it could fit Guild Wars ten times over.

I don't want to advice anyone to start playing MMOs due to my own experiences, but if you absolutely have to - choose WOW. It's simply the best as Tina Turner would put it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Play it on Cairne server. I'm with a helpful guild and I find it passes the time while I wish I had a GF (but dont) and I needed something else to do besides just fuck around with old games where there arent any murloc jokes and Chuck Norris facts. (Did you know what when Chuck was born... etc etc)

Level 23 Priest: TorreHealer