Two - though both situated at the beach - are different, both in construction.
Eyes for You is a calm one, with a single model, center of it, body not fully towards the viewer, turned ca. 45° turned awy. But the view of her is full on us, with almost a smile. She holds her diving mask up, as if she wants to make sure it does not interfere with the connection between of her with us. Making the picture much more intense, and giving it a much more engaging character. Her perfect beauty and body helps, too.
Erotic Beach is not that calm, the three models are in no hurry, but they are engaging each other, not us. Displayiing a spellbinding mood. But the mood completely excludes us. The two models on the right are in a very intimate world of their own, and still, the one to the right, not actually in it, facing the back of the next model, watches that back, as if she was in the act, too. The whole photo has its charm, but it is a photo that has the character of one from a series of a set, not one that is meant to stand out, consciously constructed that way. It is not an outstanding one. as such.
So, in this round, the choice is an easy one, as sexy as the three models on #2 are, the photo in itself that HAS to get my vote is #1
- Eyes For You