Well, I kind of knew things would get harder with every step of the ladder in this yar's leg of this tournament, all in the name of finding the greatest picture of all of this year
Having said that - I grew to really enjoy undergoing this torment, weighing the pictures against each other, to see: Which one is my fave in this round.
Let's see. We are looking at two both very busty ladies, with creamy, slightly tanned complexions. Both are slightly dessed - the "Beach Babe" wears some sort of very torn short shorts of denim, "No Holes Barred" has La Zemanova sporting some rather futile kind of shirt around her shoulders, and white heels.
That's where the similarities end.
The "Beach Babe" is very blond, and looks like she is in her early twenties, at most. In the photo, she sits facing the viewer frontal, yet looks to the right side, as if she is not quite aware of the picture taken.A nice contrast. Plus the white sand and the turquoise waters make a wonderful, summer scenario.
"No Holes Barred", in contrast, goes in the opposite direction: Zemanova lies diagonally, her body turned slightly to the left, yet her look, if somewhat dreamy, is full onto the viewer, and her gesture of her left hand pulling down her lower lip, slightly, suggests some naughty thoughts. And she is a bit older here, I think she is clsoer to thirty, if I judge this correct. More mature, as she appears.
My call:
It astonishes me a bit, but I favor the "Beach Babe"