LadyLove said:
I got bad rep for this post WTF? I don't really give a damn about the points , but give bad ones when people make bad posts . Not when they answer terrier to the fucking word russell . That sucks .
Well I guess some people don't have the where-with-all to know about Jack Russell dog breeds
You know I hate that bad rep crap too. I've gotten a couple mysterious bad points also but over one trivial word posted on "Movie Association" and another time on the "Cool/Fool" thread
That is so dumb to give out bad rep for little shit like that. Give it to somebody that's being an asshole, not because they said a guy is "Cool or Fool" or because they associated a word and you disagree with it.
I'll problably get more bad rep for saying that but I don't care
Here's a salute to all you anonymous uptight petty bad reppers :thefinger
Durty_Dog said: