Women dating cripples


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think we all have seen it: young, beautiful female with a cripple boyfriend barely able to move by her side. I once even saw such couple with kids!

Makes me wanna think what I as a physically fit handsome human being am doing wrong.

It’s not just that - I’m seeing all kinds of shitty males with partners and kids. The type of persons I would most probably make fun of.

Let me, as someone who qualifies for what you call a crpple, take a minute or two to tell you some things from my life experience.

First, everyone is different, and thus finds different things attractive. Maybe specifying what you consider, makes a "Cripple" would begin to help. Guys walkingn with a stick? Guys who have artificial limbs? Guys who are just completely unfit, like the schoolbook nerd? Wheelchair-bound people?

Next point:

You look at celebrities and their dates? Butt-ugly guys dating supermodels? Welcome to what fame and money can do!

Or writers, playwrights, etc. Being smart, and maybe having a good sense of huour, is a MAJOR turn-on

Can you laugh about yourself? That would be a start!

And the hardest thing to do:

Don't try too hard. In fact, don't even try at all, just be a great guy and be confident in yourself.

That may be the hardest part.

Maybe you should just get rich, that helps.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You look over and you see a chick with a guy.. and you think that the guy is lucky. But are they, really? Spending all that attention and money and getting... what? Borrowing someone's crotch whenever they let you?

If you are an incel, then you cant see it as a voluntary thing ~ but you are the lucky one for having all this free time to work on yourself and have moments to wonder.. to yourself.. am I doing something wrong? It is better to wonder than to confirm that you could've done something wrong and then have a kid trekking across the earth with a person you dont care for.

And that is my 2 cents.

People covet what they don't have, then when they get it, often detest it. I saw it written on the bathroom wall at Dick's Last Resort in Dallas, TX, "No Matter How Good She Looks, Someone Somewhere, Is Sick Of Her Shit.", I was having lunch with my fiancee in 1995, and knew when I read those words that the end was imminent. Dodged a bullet on that one, have taken those words to heart ever since, apply it to life and you'll be a whole lot fucking happier.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Whatever. I’m not even sure why I created this. Sometimes I think that everyone instead of me has a partner. Luckily I got to the point that I don’t care about it.

Dude, it's OK to feel what you're feeling. Its frustration and I get it, and so do other people. You just need to concentrate on being a good person and not to compare yourself to others. Droughts suck, and countless people have experienced that. It happens. Just make sure you don't turn into a dickhead in the meantime, thats the trick.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Dude, it's OK to feel what you're feeling. Its frustration and I get it, and so do other people. You just need to concentrate on being a good person and not to compare yourself to others. Droughts suck, and countless people have experienced that. It happens. Just make sure you don't turn into a dickhead in the meantime, thats the trick.

Although, to be fair.. ya know that if you turn into a dickhead, oftentimes you can get some women waaaay more easily.
Which, I guess is also a very lamentable thing. Nice guys finish last and nice girls are already taken.
Until the nice guy gets jaded and turns into an asshole and the nice girl gets divorced at 38 y.o and some guys are like.. 'that is all used up, bro. No thanks.'

And maybe, just maybe.. that jaded and previously-nice guy made a topic about it. Because now that he is jaded and asshole-ish, the other assholes are that much more assy. And get more hole.
AAAAANNNNNNNNNND... just maybe Dark Helmet is surrounded by assholes.
... and at that point, you really just gotta sigh. And tell them to keep firing.
