Woman only want sex?


To be honest I thought alot of us where here because in truth we just cant be arsed.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


hey man you dont need women for anything other than sex....you can have a real, deep and lasting relationship with other guys....I'm talking bros before hoes, male bonding, and theres no sexual tension unless you guys compete for girls....but if you hang out with other guys who have found something more interesting than sex, stick with them!


Fuck I am only after reading the OPs post.....My earlier reply was in regards to something else....But man this thread is like the male pipe dream I can only lulz at it.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
True of MOST women. Women have fought for their rights, and now that they've almost got em, it seems they've killed chivalry in the process. At the same time though I find that there is alot more disrespect coming from men too. 50 years ago, women were courted. Women were treated with respect from their spouses and were doted on and romanced. Today, women don't get taken out for dinner, they split the bill. Flowers usually are only bought when guys fuck up. Forget guys opening the door for a lady because it never happens. I also think that with more people engaging in premarital sex compared to 50-70 years ago, chivalry seems to not be needed. Guys used to court ladies, woo them...treat them like gold. Then they'd get married. Guys back in the day had to work alot harder to get in a ladies pants because women back then were just THAT- ladies. (of course there are exceptions, I'm talking generally).

But in any case- the things you mentioned above...if I don't get those out of a man while we're dating...he won't be hearing from me again. I require being treated like a lady, and I know that I'm a rare breed, but I think all women should demand the kind of respect and give it back in return.

True. Men have dropped the ball on chivalry too. But, in all honesty, I know a lot of guys who don't give a shit about being chivalrous because it's hardly even appreciated or even noticed by women anymore. Not ALL women (I'm obviously generalizing here), but a lot of women truly just don't give a shit. So, neither do men.

And, I think it sucks that men aren't gentlemen anymore. Opening doors, offering their coat, ladies first - it's all dying, which is all the more reason that guys like me (the ones who still do that stuff) get viewed as being clingy momma's boys who try too hard.

What was once romantic is now pathetic. What was once chivalry is now insulting.

And, that sucks.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Everything I know about women I learned from Charlie Sheen. If Charlie hasn't said it... then it doesn't need to be said.


Then explain I could do with some light entertainment......Let me see erm woman only want sex, This is bad because?