Wispa To Return

Internet campaigners have prompted Chocolate giant Cadbury to bring back its defunct Wispa bar.


This story has sparked a debate regarding other out of production sweets and Chocolates, that people would like to see returned to our newsagents shelves, such as Spangles (I don't remember them).

So, what treats do you remember enjoying as a kid that they no longer make and would like to see back in stock?

God I love Chocolate.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't think I've ever had one before...

There's no Chocolate bar I want back. Howver, I wish they would bring the Double Decker to Canada.

God I love nougat.
Being American I'd probably be required to say that Hersheys are the best Chocolate company, but far and away Cadbury is the best Chocolate I have tasted. I loved Flakes, usually all's we get is the Dairy Milk and Crunchies here, unless you go out of your way to look for good Chocolate. I think Ima go watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory now.


Closed Account
That's the first time I heard of that.


what the fuck you lookin at?
they need to bring back their fuckin cream eggs. Not the shit they have now. The ORIGINAL cream eggs. Those fuckers are so hard to find anymore around easter. Now you've got every kind of fuckin chocolate egg under the sun, but god forbid I can find any god damn fuckin cream eggs!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
they need to bring back their fuckin cream eggs. Not the shit they have now. The ORIGINAL cream eggs. Those fuckers are so hard to find anymore around easter. Now you've got every kind of fuckin chocolate egg under the sun, but god forbid I can find any god damn fuckin cream eggs!

You're kidding? You can't find them? Where in the world do you live? The stores up here are swimming in them from Christman to bloody June! (Though, by then, you don't want to eat them)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
they need to bring back their fuckin cream eggs. Not the shit they have now. The ORIGINAL cream eggs. Those fuckers are so hard to find anymore around easter. Now you've got every kind of fuckin chocolate egg under the sun, but god forbid I can find any god damn fuckin cream eggs!

Down in Indy they're friggin' everywhere. Those things with the tin foil around it? Sorta red blue green yellow colors? (I've never had one but I've seen them only.. WAY TOO MUCH)

Meijers usually has a full aisle of that damned easter candy and tons of eggs. I couldnt tell ya if they have/had any this year. I've been without transportation.
Didn't they bring out a Wispa "Gold" aswell? Takes me right back!


what the fuck you lookin at?
Those things with the tin foil around it? Sorta red blue green yellow colors?

yep thats them. Maybe there is just so much other shit around them that I over look em the past couple years.
They did bring the Wispa back about 6 months ago but its dissappeared again :( So are u saying they are bringing it out again? :)