Wis. GOP strips public workers' bargaining rights


This is not good and this quote is very ACCURATE

"the Republicans' ideological war on the middle class and working families is now indisputable"

So, the average person has no rights to bargain when it comes to their job. But its OK to give Wall Street and the scumbag banks PUBLIC money so they can make more fucking money and screw the average person over. Slowly but surely they have been taking the rights away of the average worker to bargain. This of course pushes down wages and keeps the average person from moving forward. But its ok to "save" people that don't really need it or deserve it.
They took away bargaining rights, not their right to breathe. Why should the public sector receive higher pay increases than inflation?
About fucking time. The unions have outlived their usefulness and overstayed their welcome. Had I been alive in the 1920's or 1930's, not only would I have been a union member to fight to improve work conditions, but heck, I'd probably had also been a card carrying communist as labor conditions back then were horrible. Now, thanks to the unions we got a 40 hour work week, minimum wage, and labor laws, and a bunch of other stuff, but I think unions accomplished their mission as labor conditions nowadays are nowhere near as awful as back then so thank you, unions. The thing is that now I don't know about you, but I don't need an union to represent me. I've done very well on my own, thank you very much.

But regardless, doesn't matter whether you're pro-union or anti-union, the fact is that Wisconsin has no money.

Why is there no money? Due to previous administrations, whether republican or democrat, overpromising on benefits and pensions.
It's another step along the path as America races to the bottom of all Education measurements. We are determined to have the cheapest public education system and to drive out quality teachers.

We don't really care about education. Parents just want cheap child care. Kids have no real interest and aren't engaged with learning. Teachers lack motivation when kids ultimately don't give a fuck and now that the "solution" around circles is to tie pay for performance--well, good luck finding anyone capable to sign on for that sucker's deal.

Let the insourcing of teachers from foreign countries begin! :clap:
Vote GOP america: They'll look after you :thumbsup:

And who do the Unions look out for?

Not me... they could give two shits about me or any other non-Union member.

I say good deal, they are PUBLIC SERVANTS, and therefore shouldn't have better benefits than the people who pay their salaries. :2 cents:
It's another step along the path as America races to the bottom of all Education measurements. We are determined to have the cheapest public education system and to drive out quality teachers.

Please... money isn't the problem.


We spend BILLIONS more on education than we did just a few decades ago, and have seen no results. Any rational human being can conclude that money is NOT the issue.

And a further example of Union "mentality", here's a crazy Union guy in the clip below... he says there is no deficit problem. HUH?? How do you REASON with people like this? Again, they ONLY care about their folks, not the "middle class", not the taxpayers, and seemingly not the nation.

And I won't even TOUCH the issue of political contributions and Unions... let's save that for another thread. :cool:
Please... money isn't the problem.


We spend BILLIONS more on education than we did just a few decades ago, and have seen no results. Any rational human being can conclude that money is NOT the issue.

Think about the differences between now and 40 years ago. http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/cditv/why_we_need_fewer_public_school_jobs_not_more/

People like to blame the public school system and think privatizing it will fix the problems, but a study by Stanford University shows charter schools on the average are doing a worse job of educating our youth.


The problem with our schools is not with the schools, but with the students. There is a much deeper cultural problem that needs to be solved.
And I won't even TOUCH the issue of political contributions and Unions... let's save that for another thread. :cool:

Agree with that. Thing is, what's wrong with tying your pay to your performance? You do a good job, you get raises. You don't do a good job, there's the door.

Now listen to this Dem douche
Nick Milroy, Democrat from Wisconsin. What did he say? One of the hosts pointed out that union membership in 2010 was 49% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans and despite the fact that union members vote almost 50-50 Republican-Democrat, unions donated 93% of their total contributions to Democrats... yadda yadda yadda, let's leave that for another day, what ticks me off is when the guy says at about the 3:40 mark that "people have a choice to belong to a union" but if they don't want to support [the candidate the union supports] "they can go look for another job?" Really, asshole?

Let me see if I got this right, a guy, who happens to be a good worker, doesn't agree with the candidate the union supports, he has to get another job but a guy, who happens to do a bad job, but agrees with the candidate the union supports, he can stay?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
And who do the Unions look out for?

Not me... they could give two shits about me or any other non-Union member.

I say good deal, they are PUBLIC SERVANTS, and therefore shouldn't have better benefits than the people who pay their salaries. :2 cents:
Just how far do you think companies are from ripping you off? Because without unions, they can and will enslave you...
Just how far do you think companies are from ripping you off? Because without unions, they can and will enslave you...

well said, and this is what most people do not realize is that union DOES NOT mean communist. It means protecting people's rights and making sure they achieve a fair wage, have appropriate working conditions and get sufficient benefits. So, the ideology here instead is that unions are evil and should be crushed. However, it is OK to give tax breaks to the rich scumbags that can afford to pay. But the average person has to carry the burden. What is wrong with this picture? Corporations are continually taking away from their employees meanwhile they give HUGE bonuses to the people that do not deserve it. Meanwhile, costs for heathcare go through the roof for average person but once again rich scumbags profit from it. Look at Wall Street and the banks, they CAUSED the economic problem we are having now. And did anyone go to jail for it? Nope, instead they would rather attack unions and the people that are protected

dominoes, dude

http://legis.wisconsin.gov/lfb/2011-13 Budget/2011_03_09 Modification to SS SB 11_AB 11.pdf
^(link to the legislation)

It isn't just unions they're aiming at. Every public program, worker, and Wisconsin citizen will be at risk as a result of this "legislation", if that's even what it is. Here are some things affected:

Day Care Providers - Eliminates all authority for collective bargaining units, and rescinds authority for the Milwaukee County child care provider services unit to negotiate with union representatives to modify hours or conditions of employment as part of a state takeover of that program.

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority Board - Eliminates all collective bargaining rights terminates contracts with UWHCB, transfers all employees to the UWHC Authority, who will negotiate all compensation and benefits as existing contracts expire.

Medical Assistance (BadgerCare) - Orders a study of:
◦ways to increase cost-effectiveness, efficiency of care, and care delivery system for existing programs.
◦Fiscal impact of limiting switches from private health insurance to Medical Assistance
After the study:
◦Require cost-sharing from recipients;
◦Authorize providers to deny care or services if recipient cannot pay cost-sharing
◦Modify (reduce) existing benefits or establish tiered benefits
◦Mandate enrollment in managed care
◦Restrict or eliminate presumptive eligibility (allowing participants to be excluded via arbitrary definition)
◦Restrict benefits to individuals who are not US citizens (note there is no distinction for documented vs. undocumented)
◦Reduce income levels for purposes of determining eligibility (currently 185% of Federal Poverty Level)
11,000 Wisconsin farmers depend on Badgercare. Farmers will be driving tractors to Madison on Saturday to protest the bills effect on rural communities. "Organizers of Saturday’s event say those issues would greatly hurt family farmers and their rural communities. Just as important, efforts to cut public workers’ collective bargaining rights is an affront to the collective bargaining process, in which family farmers participate through cooperatives and pooling."

Now, thanks to the unions we got a 40 hour work week, minimum wage, and labor laws, and a bunch of other stuff, but I think unions accomplished their mission as labor conditions nowadays are nowhere near as awful as back then so thank you, unions.

...yeah just enjoy all that, while it last. I'm sure all those businesses and government elite that have your well being at heart and put it above anything else will make sure you are always treated fairly and have things like that. :rolleyes:

This is not good and this quote is very ACCURATE

"the Republicans' ideological war on the middle class and working families is now indisputable"

So, the average person has no rights to bargain when it comes to their job. But its OK to give Wall Street and the scumbag banks PUBLIC money so they can make more fucking money and screw the average person over. Slowly but surely they have been taking the rights away of the average worker to bargain. This of course pushes down wages and keeps the average person from moving forward. But its ok to "save" people that don't really need it or deserve it.

Sounds like B.S. seeing that private sector middle class and upper middle class workers shoulder a large share of that tax burden, both in bailing out the middle class and paying for an expensive (and often incompetent) government.

Public sector unions should never have been given full collective bargaining rights, it's created a moral hazard that taxpayers have now woken up too.


Last poll I saw showed Americans were with the protestors two to one

UPDATED: Fox Reverses Poll Results To Falsely Claim Most Americans Favor Ending Collective Bargaining
Signs of the Times News / 24th Feb 2011

On Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade claimed, along with an on-screen graphic, that a recent USA Today/Gallup Poll found that "61 percent" of Americans are in favor of taking away Collective Bargaining rights from public Unions.
PHOTOS: Scott Walker in pictures
In fact, Fox aired the results of the poll completely backward: the Gallup poll found that 61 percent of Americans are opposed to taking away Collective Bargaining rights.
