God gave porn to you.
Punishing us for it would be entrapment.
He he. Now there's a thought.
I wasn't going to post here but it is one of the first thoughts I had when waking up this morning.
I don't know what the others were. Probably the usual need money, food, coffee etc.
It is nice to see how this thread has been answered so far.
I know some folk are ardently antagonistic towards anything even remotely to do with God or religion. I have never encountered such livid tangible hatred as when I moved back to the States.
Unbelief is everywhere.
I heard a story once when in the Army of a guy who preached the Gospel to some dude in the Army, who threatened to beat him up if he continued.
Well, the guy carried on. He got duly beaten up. Really hurt. Through the bubbles of blood as he lay on the floor he moaned, "I love you man."
The attacker was so impressed that the person still showed love, still believed what he professed, that he became a Christian.
Some people will fume angrily about the subject of God. Why, I don't know. It baffles me.
For myself I can say, as I have said before, that I know beyond any shadow of any doubt that God is. I know that I know that I know.
It won't help to call me a F*#!ktard or whatever, because it is like telling me I never had a mother. If you know something you know something. I am one of the fortunate ones. I was given to believe.
There have been times when I have felt so alone, but there is a verse that says "draw near to Me and I will draw near to you." I don't know, there have been so many instances. people raised from the dead. Healing that happened when I prayed. Wonderful miracles in my own life. Apart from the fact that I just know He is there.
And when I want to do wrong I can feel Him staring at me. Like David said in psalms, "you hem me in".
It is pointless trying to follow some philosopher or atheist, who in any case looks like shite - scared witless, dark, and scarred. What must I do? Pretend it all isn't real and look at some porn star's pussy like a good little boy? Um, bad boy. Or whatever.
As for the whole hell thing. If one is to take the Bible as a source, or be selective, or however one wants to look at it, there is the understanding that hell is prepared for the devil and his angels.
God never intended Man to go there. It is not set aside for man. Man did not originally rebel against God. God warns you because He wants you to avoid that terrible fate.
Do not fool yourself into thinking Hell is a party. It isn't.
Even if you don't believe the testimony of those whose clinical records prove they were dead, or Christians who were shown it, do you really want to take that chance?
Believe me when I tell you hell is an awful, terrible, horrifying place of extreme suffering and torture. It is not a party. You will not see your friends there.
Why I am posting on Freeones is not the point right now. Have you any idea how huge this board is? The celeb/sports section alone is gigantic. Probably a lot of you haven't even visited there. It goes on forever.
The whole reality we are caught up in is based on law. It all is a matter of law.
You see, whether you believe Adam, Eve, a serpent and a fruit tree or no, the message is one of law. Man inherited the Earth. This could be what drove Lucifer to rebel. This muddy creature ruling. Ha!
Adam maybe did not want to be alone. Been there, done that. If you remember he asked God for a mate. So, when Eve offered him some fruit, he probably felt he would land up on his own. Outnumbered.
Lucifer told Eve they would not die. He offered her power. Adam could see Eve had not suffered any effects. So, he took a bite or whatever.
By doing so, they stopped following God. They followed Lucifer. Thing is, they did not know that. People still don't.
So, legally, God was bound to let Man follow his new way, his new master. We all know how swimmingly that went. Man had basically given over proprietorship to Lucifer. He thought they were still the boss, but they weren't.
Why doing what someone says infers obedience I obviously have no idea. I suppose they are spiritual beings. It just means Adam had stopped doing exactly the things he had been instructed to. Maybe God had some other plan for them. Maybe, at a later stage, He would have said, ok, now you can take a bite. Why was the tree there? Good question.
What God did not do, however, is scrap Man and start again. He can see the future. It does not mean He will always reach in and change it. He did, however, foresee a legal transfer of power back to Himself and to Man.
He saw this in His Son. He told them and Lucifer their rights and what the future held.
So He deliberately set about putting plan B in motion, all the while allowing natural evolution to take its course. Evolution is so screamingly obvious.
Now, by accepting God's way out, by receiving Christ, you are going onto the good side, surrendering your will, yes, but choosing the good. If you want to have sex with your neighbour's wife, you have that little voice warning you, until your conscience becomes seared.
Even if you are not a Christian you will still have a little injunction to do something right.
Funny how in the States you are living in a rule oriented society, minus God. If they really believed in God, a lot of prisoners would be set free. Especially those poor souls on death row. We would not have had to go to Iraq. Etc.
So, there are the legal issues. The free will. The daily choices. As for the believing. Well, as I also said before somewhere, I read an article of a woman who was in an accident. She died. She was not a Christian. She ascended toward a bright light, where an angel stood who told her it was not yet her time.
Look, if the Church in the Middle Ages had decided to stop insisting on the Bible being read in Latin, the common people would have seen the verse, "He is seated above the circle of the Earth." Then Copernicus, or who was it? Galileo? would have been better off.
Also, they would have seen the exact date that Jerusalem was to be liberated, which would have meant the kings would have knowingly been in direct disobedience against God by sending countless thousands to battle against the Muslim.
Even space travel is predicted in the Bible. "Lo, even though you make your nest amongst the stars, there I will find you." Do you honestly think your everyday wheeler dealer/conqueror of the year/citizen Shmo thought about flying other than tripping over a stone?
What does this have to do with the price of tramcars in a jewellery store?
Well, I myself have such guilt when looking at porn. Looking at Glam, not so much, just that it isn't quite right.
So where does this leave everyone? Well, I suppose we can find ourselves a good wife, if that is possible.
I would not condemn porn performers. From what I have seen this far they are more intelligent than your average citizen. They are some of the sweetest, kindest, most hard working, thoughtful individuals out there. I am sure there are some meanies, but they have probably been mistreated.
I would rather be in the company of porn stars than in that of many other people. If you put something into a relationship though, you can get something out, unless those people are really hard and full of themselves.
It depends upon your motive.
It would be nice if somehow we lived in that ideal society.
Some teacher lady in the Church told me once I should repent. "Not just because you are going to hell," she said. I was looking at sexy pics back then. As for the rubbing one out - guilt times I don't know, 50. She probably just had her tenses or grammar wrong.
I landed up in a mental institution for a year and a half.
My own fault, to cut a long story short but still, I was so terrified. You know what? I prayed and prayed and pushed through. I think if I had let go, God would have found a way to help me. As it is, so many wonderful things have happened since then. I knew enough to know I should stand firm, so I had no excuse to just give up. It really helped that a good Christian friend came to visit.
One of the counsellors, I heard later from a friend, said the chance of anyone coming out of that situation is 5%.
Being there at that time started me on a career of playing music eventually. I played guitar to someone there, as battered as I was. She told me I have such a wonderful gift. For the first time in my life I started believing in myself. I had previously played only on my own.
I don't know if actually
looking at porn will send you to hell.
I also would not be surprised if some porn star died one day to find herself in heaven. However, "today, when you hear My voice, do not harden your hearts..."
It isn't such an enormous sacrifice to give up porn as your willy keeps telling you it is.
This isn't about condemning porn stars or those who watch 'em.
I don't know if I can carry on posting pics in the favourite babes section. It just takes so much time, stress, and well, guilt or something. Nya nya nya nya nya in my head all the time.
As for the celeb section. Sp00ner77 has that so covered I would have to wake up at 3 am just to get something new. :1orglaugh He churns the new pics out like a factory conveyor belt. Him and Eric Lindros and a few others. Maybe I'll give it a bash. It is like trying to compete in the 100 yard dash with an Olympic champion.
I just think God has something else, something better planned. In the meantime. Oi. You have to switch that part of you off.
Tell you guys when I get married or have a girlfriend. Which had better be soon.
I do not want to see people harden their hearts. There is hope and salvation for everyone.
The evil that is so present in this world has been defeated. It is for us to grasp this and enforce it. It is our planet.
In time God will return. Then His home will be among men.
Maybe if there could be some kind of Christian sex stuff or something. That whole area is in any case controlled by the wrong side. Why should evil have a say in something that was given by God and Nature? :dunno:
:wave: Thanks for reading. :hatsoff: