Wife let me do ATM for first time last night

Yeah baby! Suck me dry!


Hey... this is not a hardcore picture posting forum.:anonymous
You're never supposed to go ass to mouth!!

lol jk remember from Clerks 2 but anyways good work on doin atm

You know, sometimes, in the heat of the moment, its okay to go ass to mouth! :1orglaugh

BTW, congrats Hot Encounters.
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ATM with the wife or steady girlfriend? No, thanks.
I agree.I realize that anal and ATM is a fantasy and fetish for a lot of Guys,I just do not see the fascination with anal sex.I am totally happy with vaginal sex.....Not to put down anything that others enjoy.I just feel that anal sex is more "You doing it to Her",whereas vaginal intercourse with the kissing and shared intimacy is more of a "doing it together" type of thing.That is just My take on it.A pretty face,a faithful Woman and I need go no farther than oral and vaginal to be satisfied.I guess that puts Me in the minority,(again) :1orglaugh.....but if both of You like it,than good for You!!-I love licking and kissing My Girl's stomach and navel,which some may find weird,but She has a rockin stomach.-----Anyway,I have said too much.Good for You."Shag On" as they say.-Do they really say that in Britain?-;)
I don't think I would want to kiss my GF on the mouth if she had just been tasting her own ass. I know that is a fetish for some guys, like sammy402002 said, but for me, good old fashioned pounding is good enough.
Check out this hottie,not only does ATM but squirts while she's at it!!



Fuck'en Bitches and Leav'en Stitches
I hate all these double standards for men and women. "Man I just did ATM last night on this girl". "You go man! Yeah!" "Man my wife does ATM" "yeah well I think there are women that should be loved and women that should be fucked and women that do ATM are in the second category, not the first". Frikkin hell.

Anal sex can be as "doing it together" as anything else. When gay men do it, are you saying it's also just a sex thing and not an intimate thing? Anal sex can be very very intimate. Anyway. Whatever.

No they don't say "shag on" in Britain.

ATM is NOT about degrading women. It CAN be. Some women like that. Or it can just be about hot shared nasty sex. Just because you see it one way doesn't mean everyone else does.

And referring to pornstars as bitches will not get you far here. And admitting you have no respect for pornstars will not get you far here, either. Because this board is full of these "bitches" you so fondly refer to, posting and sharing their personalities with our members, and disrespecting them in such a way is no different from disrespecting any other members. Keep your misogynistic attitudes about women to yourself, and keep the name-calling for all the other porn boards that don't respect the pornstars that their members jack off to. Here, we respect pornstars at least enough not to call them bitches, the way we respect the other members.

If you want to group people as women you would fuck hard or marry and not mix the two, then fine. But you were not specific that these were women you were capable of loving or fucking. You just said, then and now, that these women are "suitable for fucking" OR "suitable for loving". You're not just saying you'd prefer to marry a woman who is not into kinky sex. You're saying women who are into kinky sex are not suitable for loving. That's what it implies. That's a prehistoric concept.

I feel sorry for the woman that will have a husband who thinks that experimental, "provoking" sex is too degrading for her. Do you know the majority of women claim that their marital sex life is boring and mechanical? Don't you think that by denying your woman any of her intense and depraved fantasies she might have because she is your wife and you do not want to explore such things with your wife, is resigning her to be one of those women who are perhaps dissatisfied?


I forgot that some people need to have road maps when reading paragraphs. I never referred to the porn stars on these forums as bitches, but I have referred to other porn stars that way. If I call a crack whore who has her own website and who has never set foot in these forums a bitch, I am not disrespecting a member.
A forum is a group of individuals discussing topics that they have different opinions on. If everyone felt the same way about everything, there would be no need to post anything.
You would be surprised how many members here share my "misogynistic attitudes" as you call them. So you aren't speaking for everyone when you say "Here, we respect porn stars at least enough not to call them bitches, the way we respect the other members." You would be surprised how many times I heard other members use the term "bitch" when talking about a porn star.
And I don't have to expect to "go far" on these boards, because I already have, with the same "misogynistic attitude" all the way.
I feel sorry for the woman that will have a husband who thinks that experimental, "provoking" sex is too degrading for her. Do you know the majority of women claim that their marital sex life is boring and mechanical? Don't you think that by denying your woman any of her intense and depraved fantasies she might have because she is your wife and you do not want to explore such things with your wife, is resigning her to be one of those women who are perhaps dissatisfied?
i doubt suckin a shitty dick is your wifes idea of an intense fantasy.
Do you know the majority of women claim that their marital sex life is boring and mechanical? Don't you think that by denying your woman any of her intense and depraved fantasies she might have because she is your wife and you do not want to explore such things with your wife, is resigning her to be one of those women who are perhaps dissatisfied?

I've been thinking a lot of how is better to answer your last post.
There are many sub-topics broached in that thread.
I do not want the main idea to get lost in a mass of arguments. Feel that you did not understand me right, and just want to emphasize the basis:

there are people whom we love
there are people whom we fuck

those whom we fuck are not "bad". I do not call girls who are lustful, who like sex with expirements - bitches, sluts and do not insult them. I do not disrespect them. Vice versa! I just divide it from
concept of family. Family is not something based on LUST, you know what I mean? That's why when speaking bout family I already give a reduction for not-so-amazing sex inside of it. It is holded on different emotions, on taking care, mutual interest, kindness to each other, protecting, understanding, whatever else.. but not on dirty sexual desire! this is the way I feel about family.
You said that many people complain of boring sexual life inside of a family. But to my mind ATM is not the solution in that case. I bet that woman who complain of boring mechanical sex do not mean that as key to harmony))))) I bet they want more passion, emotions, in fact - more romance and "love" in sex. Family is something for soul. Lover - is for body and dick. I do not see nothing wrong in having random sex while having a family. Cuz to my mind the best and the dirtiest sex happens with people whom you do not know as good, as you know your wife (the more you know, especially if you live together, and talk a lot, raise a children, eat together, spend everyday together, the less you want, with rare exception) all the excitement of a new girl, the way she reacts, reveals herself etc etc.. That is the way you can let go all your fantasies and get what you want. I admire girls who are into lustful sex. The fact that they are suitable for fucking with me, does not mean that they won't be suitable for loving with another person. As well as somebody might find out that my wife is hot for random sex)) that criteria of "being suitable" is highly individual. It depends on two people at the same time, one girl can be a good wife with someone, and good fucker with another guy.

Briefly, I am not convincing you that ATM with a wife is something shameful and disgraceful. Other people might have different basis, completely different to my. I was just trying to explain in details why it is not my choice, instead of just saying two words.


If your wife wants to do that, good for her. I personally wouldn't want to, because it goes against basic common sense...I really don't need the E.coli and god knows what else from my intestines in my mouth.
"I do not see anything wrong in having random sex while having a family." You're right. There's nothing wrong with it IF she knows about it. IF she can have random sex too. IF there is no lying and cheating involved.

want to underline it. surely yes, I meant that she knows, and that she has the same right to fuck anybody else. I think that idea of "faith" is completely wrong. The worst thing is a lie, not the fact of sex with another person. That's why can't accept your critics in terms of double-standarts for men and women. You said that "the wife needs sex too. People think so selfishly when it comes to relationships". But there is nothing selfish in my opinion, if you keep in my mind that I let the wife do whatever she wants.
In my opinion freedom is very important for both sides, and I understand that girls may divide men in the same way - those who are interesting and kind, those who are sexy and wild etc.
And yes, I did never neglect the idea that the same stuff happens with the wife as with me: she get tired of one and the same person, she want something new, she starts to see me in different role in her life, not in a role of The Fucker. And that's why she might have sex with someone, whom she feels OK to be dirty with. can't see nothing wrong in that. she might find me suitable for everyday life, she has warm and sincerely feelings to me, but her dirtiest sexual fantasies are based on... whatever.. let it be Long Dong Silver))) And with all her respect, love and warm feelings, her LUST will achieve the highest level when she is with that Long Dong Silver! She wants to be dirty with that type of guy, she want to suck him, and might perform ATM with him, cuz it is about lust, it is something physiological as well as psychological in it. but nothing more than that fuck. when lust is satisfyied she loosing her interest to him. Do not you ever heard that story from woman? I bet that many times!

You can "let go all your fantasies and get what you want" with someone you know and love, someone you spend every day with. It's much, much better that way.

Nothing can substitute sex with a stranger, when you want it like that. Revealing something new VS. knowing something very good. This is philosophical question, or better to say - very individual question. Benefits of each of that approaches are disadvantages at the same time.
When you fuck somebody every day, you know all the details, you know where and how to touch her, what she does she like the most, and how she screams etc... this might be good for someone, like comfortable good-ol'-shoes. but there are people, who like the moment when strange girl in sex just becomes well-known. just the process. like walking through minefield. NEW is a keyword. new body, new voice, new style, new temperament. it can't be substituted with role-playing games and stuff like that. and what for?! why can't you live the sexual life the way it is better for you, in your individual way, if there is no discomfort?

I will never accept that having everything with a wife is a BETTER or more proper way, than having average sexual life inside of a family, and practicing all the kinky stuff with different girls. Cuz I see nothing wrong with that. And in opposite, discomfort appears, when I imagine it with a wife.
Not something i have ever really found very appealing, never done it, actually have no desire to do it. For some reason I just don't get turned on by the idea of it.
my chick doent mind ATM at all once she gets past the anal part... if i can manage to talk her into anal she will gladly go down after
My g/f does ATM .. and did so without me even asking .. she has no problem with it all .. I love the horniness of it .. looks great on my mobile phone too :)
wouldn't it be "I let my wife do ATM last night?" if she let YOU do ATM.. well you weren't the one doing ATM were you? as in she was doing you A and then you went to M? if so, that's cool. whatever you floats your boat. the wording just doesn't make much sense.

even the more-clear alternative really doesn't make any sense either, because that implies that you didn't want to do it, or you otherwise had previously not allowed her to do it when she wanted to, which doesn't seem to be the case, from what you said.

so more accurate still would be to say, "my wife let herself do ATM last night." which is just clumsy, so the very best thing to say would be simply: "My wife did ATM last night."

You Might want to also add "..with me" on there, just for final clarity, so we don't mistake that she did ATM with herself or with someone else besides you.