Why Tampa Ain't Baseball


Yeah that much money is near insanity but if you think about it, he is getting that much money because there is incredible amounts of money being generated in his sport. If it wasn't going to the players it would all be going to the owners.


Because the fans are wimpy/stupid enough to pay the crazy prices for the tickets.

If fans got together and demanded ticket prices be lowered by 20% or they would boycott games - what do you think would happen?

I for one think A Rod (the above mentioned player) could live on $40,000 per at bat.
IMO, performance-based incentives are the best way to get people to play better.

My first year playing hardball (regular baseball, no tees or kid stuff), my team won absolutely no games at all. We were 0-22, HAHAHAHA.

Anyway...the next year, during the offseason, our coach gave us individual incentives and we did a lot better. We all started with 4 quarter-mile laps and based on our performance, we would either add laps or subract laps to our total, which we would have to run after every game.

For example, if we got a hit, we subtracted a lap from our total. If we got an RBI, we subtracted a lap from our total. If we struck out, we had to add a lap to our total. If we made an error...you get the point.

Two years after our embarassing 0-22 season, we finished our regular season 21-1 and went through the playoffs, ending up one game short of the National Championship. I give a lot of the credit to the incentives. It really made people play a lot harder and smarter.
Great post, Chef. It reminds me of my high school days. In junior year, I made varsity for the first time. I played 3B and was always very good with the glove. The throw is what got me. I could throw hard but my accuracy absolutely sucked. (as it had all through my youth). At practice each day, we played on this sucky field where there was a hill out of play down the right field/1B line. My coach got the idea that every time one of my throws got past the 1B, I had to run across the diamond and all the way down the hill to get the ball. I spent so much time running up and down that hill every day. And of course, my teammates loved it, playfully chiding and mocking me on my runs. The idea, of course, was that I would work on my accuracy and concentrate on making better throws. Incentive-based since I wouldn't have to run so much if I made good throws. Decent idea, but I never got better. Once I got to college, coach would have none of my throws. Luckily I was able to make starting 1B, which is where I always liked playing better anyway. To this day, I regret having never mastered 3B.:dunno:
IMO, performance-based incentives are the best way to get people to play better.

That may very well be true but it will never happen in MLB. The basic agreement between the players union and the owners does not allow for statistical based pay. The closest you will get to it are incentives for games played, innings pitched, starts made etc not for wins, hrs, rbis, etc. Even in those cases they just allow for extra money to be made by the player in addition to whatever their base salary is.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My coach got the idea that every time one of my throws got past the 1B, I had to run across the diamond and all the way down the hill to get the ball. I spent so much time running up and down that hill every day.

That's pretty awesome. :1orglaugh
^^^ lol
somebody wanted to know why the nobody wants season tickets to the D-Rays...


that somebody is obviously oblivious to MLB.

Lately, yes !

Jus' wonderin' why Tampa ! Was it known that this team would be relying largely on the "Farm" system, for the future of the franchise ?

Any idea(s) on wher or when that franchise is movin on ?

The "Dallas Devils" (?) :dunno: :D kiddin'
Jus' wonderin' why Tampa ! Was it known that this team would be relying largely on the "Farm" system, for the future of the franchise ?

Any idea(s) on when or where that franchise is movin on ?

The "Dallas Devils" (?) :dunno: :D
why not tampa? the bucs were working, so why the hell not?
I went to the Tropicana dome once a few years ago. It's a depressing site. Worst ball park I've ever been too. I can understand why the place doesn't draw that many, besides the sucky team anyway. Plus, it's like 70% senior citizens down there. Hard to draw a fan base from that. Maybe they need to offer more bingo days or something.
why not tampa? the bucs were working, so why the hell not?

the bucs won the superbowl and have generated enough fan support and interest. The devil rays... they've yet to get their franchise off the ground.

They can't put 1 decent season together.
^ they've given them 10 years in tampa... and it won't get any better. I previously blamed the owner but as of right now he won't get any money from this franchise to make a difference.

unless they find some players in their farm system... they are on their way out the door
...and I'm veeeery flattered. But, I can't put a fellow man through that kind of distress.


I don't know...he might LIKE having some time without me.

Ah, well.

You boys go and play, but don't get too dirty. We're going to a "big people" restaurant later.
^ they've given them 10 years in tampa... and it won't get any better. I previously blamed the owner but as of right now he won't get any money from this franchise to make a difference.

unless they find some players in their farm system... they are on their way out the door

Watched them beat the Yankees yesterday. They opened my eyes a little. Considering their low payroll, they do seem to make the most of it. Upton, Pena, and Crawford are quality players that in a very short amount of time, may command 24M/yr by themselves. Money is definitely the problem with this team. They are forced to continually put unproven players in key spots. The only veterans they can seem to afford are guys like Greg Norton and Ty Wigginton who never really have amounted to anything. It doesn't help then, when these veterans fall on their faces and have terrible seasons. Pitching is particularly hard to find when you're dealing with nothing but cheap veterans and premature callups. I was surprised to learn that Tampa pitchers lead the AL in strikeouts. Shows there may be some talent there, they just have to lock some of their young guys up while they can afford it. Overall, with the talent they currently have, I feel another 10 -15M a year in payroll may make alot of difference, since I feel the team is not as bad compared to the rest of the league as people may think.