why spanish train maker is leaving Wisconsin

May 5, 2014

Wis. Gov. Scott Walker rejected millions in federal stimulus money for a new commuter line, costing the state thousands of job.
Photo used under a Creative Commons License from Flickr user Gateway Technical College
Sad news out of Milwaukee. Spanish train-maker Talgo is vacating its factory in the city, four years after Gov. Scott Walker rejected millions in federal stimulus money to create a Milwaukee-to-Madison commuter line.

The funding, part of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was meant to create high-speed rail links across the country, which would have modernized America’s industrial infrastructure, creating good jobs in the process.

Soon after taking office in 2010, Walker turned down the $810 million in federal rail funds. The monies, already budgeted for the state, went to Illinois instead.

Talgo set up its North American headquarters in Milwaukee shortly before Walker’s election, with plans to make the city a hub for rail manufacturing in the Midwest.

The project was expected to create tens of thousands of construction and manufacturing jobs.

“Walker turned his back on a lot of jobs,” said Milwaukee Local 494 Business Manager John Bzdawka. “Not just for electricians, but all the trades, plus manufacturing jobs at the Talgo plant.”

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett told reporters April 30 that the plant closing means lost jobs and opportunities in a neighborhood that needs them.

“It’s tragedy to the people working here,” he said.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Gov. Rick Scott also turned down federal rail money.
which by the way is illegal under the Constitution
Wisconsin GOP to Press for Federal Nullification and Right to Secede

by Steven Ahle on May 1, 2014 in Civil Rights, Politics, Republicans, Supreme Court

The Wisconsin Republican State Convention is aiming high. They are about to introduce a resolution to force state lawmakers to write and pass legislation, that will give Wisconsin the right to nullify any federal law they feel is unconstitutional or outside the scope of federal responsibility as laid out by the Constitution. Among laws they wish to nullify are Obamacare, Common Core, or the use of drones within the state of Wisconsin airspace.

A second resolution (Or it could be included in the first) would give Wisconsin the right of secession. They point out that secession is not desirable, but must be available in case of dire circumstances. (Such as a power mad president?) Republican officials have confirmed the Sovereignty Resolution, but the actual language has not been released yet.

Votes on the two resolutions are expected to take place on Saturday. Should the two laws be offered for passage, they would have smooth sailing since the Assembly, (61-39) is controlled by the republicans, as is the Senate (18-15) and of course the governor is Republican Scott Walker. There is a danger that Republicans themselves could kill nullification. (article continued below)

Nullification has been ruled on many times by SCOTUS and no nullification has ever succeeded, but the Wisconsin bill would be limited to laws passed that are unconstitutional, where the federal government passes laws on areas given to the states as enumerated in the US Constitution. The first law to be nullified will end up in front of SCOTUS. This will force the court to rule on who has jurisdiction and if the court strictly interprets the constitution, it would pass power back from the federal government to the states.

Here is the resolution on nullification:

Ensuring State Sovereignty
WHEREAS, during the Constitutional Convention the states created the Federal
Government and not the other way around;and
WHEREAS, the states retain their powers through the Tenth Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States and limited the powers of the Federal
Government; and
WHEREAS, it is the duty of the States to defend the rights of its citizens when
the Federal government attempts to trample those rights.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of Wisconsin,
in convention assembled, supports legislation that claims sovereignty for the
state of Wisconsin under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal
government by the Constitution of the United States; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this legislature, which shall have as its charge to
recommend and propose legislation which would have the effect of nullifying
specific federal laws and regulations which are outside the scope of the powers
delegated by the People to the federal government in the Constitution, such as:
to nullify the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act within Wisconsin; and
to nullify Common Core Curriculum in Wisconsin schools; and
to nullify enactment of the NDAA indefinite detention provisions; and

to nullify any Executive order or federal regulation that circumvents the
legislative powers vested in Congress; and
•to nullify drone usage in the state of Wisconsin; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we request that our elected officials support
legislation which would serve as notice and demand to the federal government,
as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are
beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers, and that all
compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply under threat of civil or
criminal penalties or sanctions or that requires states to pass legislation or lose
federal funding be prohibited or repealed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we strongly insist our state representatives work to uphold Wisconsin’s 10th Amendment rights, and our right to, under extreme circumstances, secede, passing legislation affirming this to the US Federal Government; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we strongly insist our state representatives and attorney general work diligently to find ways to not accept federal funds or started federal programs, that come with mandates and strings attached.
Some of the weak kneed Republicans are beginning to get nervous about passing the measures, which could kill them either in conference or during the floor vote.
which by the way is illegal under the Constitution

Plus is stupid because one all the SSI payments won't be there for retirement and what the hell are they going do for currency? Can't join Canada, they are already have socialism, the thing the Koch brothers put fear into on these bozo Tea Party supporters.

These are the stupid Americans I refer to.

Actually, the stupidest people on the Earth. Tea Party supporters.
It's not a link, its cut and paste but that still has no bearing on the validity of the article. but thanks for making yourself look like a jackass

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It's not a link, its cut and paste but that still has no bearing on the validity of the article. but thanks for making yourself look like a jackass

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The situation sucks. But does it suck more than Dear Leader delaying the Keystone XL?


It's not a link, its cut and paste but that still has no bearing on the validity of the article. but thanks for making yourself look like a jackass

Aaaand just what exactly crawled up your ass and died? And please don't hold back because I was just saying to myself, "Self", I said, "It's been 5 whole minutes since someone blamed me for all that is wrong in their pussy-ass little life so I think I head for the forum and see who's on the rag today." And hey, here you are.

And it's not like anyone else has a problem posting the link to the article they took the trouble to point out to the rest of us. Just you. And Sam.

Sorry I ruined your day. Stay away from ledges and sharp objects, get to your shrink ASAP and blame it all on me. I'm sure he's heard of me.


The situation sucks. But does it suck more than Dear Leader delaying the Keystone XL?

The problem with Keystone (and you know this) is there is absolutely no way that they're going to build this thing and we don't wind up with an eventual oil spill. Ruptures, corrosion, terrorism (that isn't confined to Nowheresville, Alaska) and every other predictable disaster. It's inevitable. With the Alaska pipeline, they promised and they promised and they promised. And they STILL screwed the monkey. How much farmland do you want to lose? How much American Heartland do you want to toxify? After more than a century, we still can't figure out this whole petroleum thing. And, contrary to everyone who woke up this morning to find a vagina where they were expecting a penis, I'm not being argumentative. I wish I had any faith whatsoever in this thing. But there is no empirical evidence at all to suggest that this won't wind up being a monumental clusterfuck.
The Wisconsin republicans voted down the secession bill. I have to live in Wisconsin. Turning away the federally funded rail was the very first ass raping scott walker gave the people of Wisconsin and he hasn't stopped since. I have to work every day with people who not only voted for him twice, but are actually fucking proud to say it. He's a disgusting, despicable human being, a total failure as a governor, and has held Wisconsin back while using his legislature to get away with countless violations of the constitution and basic human rights. He's failed on the economy, education, healthcare, and employment, not that the idiot republicans who voted for him before and will again care, because republicans don't give a shit about what it good for the country, their state, or even themselves, just keep voting republican, because that's all that fucking matters.

And as far as the keystone, mayhem is 100% right. If this was a country with a functional government there would be constant and competent monitoring and oversight of the pipeline, and it would be paid for by the owners of the pipeline. But it wouldn't take much more than a single election cycle in this failure of a country for all that shit to disappear and then who gives a fuck if some oil leaks into some rivers, as long as most of it gets there!