Why ordinary people turn terrorist


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Why do you always feel attacked? Can't you just have a decent discussion without spewing bitterness and sarcasm and what not? It's weird since I agree with you about surveys showing troublesome results...

From wikipedia:

Since you are extrapolating a poll done in the US to a global scale, these numbers might be skewed, hence why I say you need to be careful and the number of 260 million muslims is useless. A poll made by the Pew Research Center show those numbers are somewhere roughly around 63 million. And while 63 million is still troublesome it indeed shows your extrapolation is incorrect.

As weird as it may seem your point actually isn't that valid. Here's the poll and the article by the Pew Research Center.

Isn't it weird that 7% of the Christians surveyed in Nigeria and 6% of the Buddhists surveyed in Malaysia support ISIS? (I'm sure you would agree with me that it's useless nonsense to extrapolate those numbers to a global scale and say so and so many millions of Christians and Buddhists in the world support ISIS). And isn't it weird that there's more support for ISIS in some western countries then in most of the mentioned muslim countries? That's because there is a reason for that, hence why you need scientists to study and explain it.

Why the fuck do I always need to explain things...
No results for Saudi Arabia, Syria,Iraq, Iran ,Afghanistan? Your polls are reflecting opinion on ISIS. What about al-Qaeda and Jihad and Fatwas ordering jihad or retaliation? You need to explain things because you are using watermelons to describe oranges.


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No results for [...]?

Why? I already showed you it's not that black and white as you think it is.

If you're not convinced yet that it's a clusterfuck where you can not say "Islam creates terrorists" or "muslims want Jihad", here's an article that might confuse you:

‘They Accept Us as We Are;’ Christians Join Forces With Muslim Group Hezbollah to Fight ISIS in Lebanon

"We're in a very dangerous situation," said Rifit Nasrallah, a Catholic businessman. "The only people who are protecting us are the resistance of Hezbollah. The only one standing with the army is Hezbollah. Let's not hide it anymore."

The Iran-backed Shiite Muslim militant group Hezbollah, classified for many years by U.S. Intelligence as a terrorist organization, is training Christians to fight ISIS in Lebanon and the Middle Eastern believers say their new and unlikely allies “accept us as we are.”

Citing Lebanese sources, Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin says Christian villages in the Bekaa Valley area of Lebanon are forming militias to join Hezbollah fighters already engaging ISIS and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nursa Front in the Syrian Qalamoun mountains opposite villages in central and eastern Bekaa.

Rifit Nasrallah, a Catholic businessman who is part of the militias fighting ISIS in Ras Baalbek, discussed the alliance with Hezbollah in an International Business Times report last month.

“We’re in a very dangerous situation,” he said. “The only people who are protecting us are the resistance of Hezbollah. The only one standing with the army is Hezbollah. Let’s not hide it anymore.” Nasrallah said Hezbollah does not expect its allies to convert to Islam or create an allegiance to the group’s ideals. “They accept us as we are,” he said. “They do not impose on us anything. When there’s an occasion, they come to our children’s birthdays. The people here accept that Hezbollah comes and helps.”

This unlikely alliance between Christians and Hezbollah is a far cry from the adversarial relationship depicted between the two groups in the region. [...]

Source: http://www.mintpressnews.com/they-a...up-hezbollah-to-fight-isis-in-lebanon/210088/

Damn, those crazy terrorists of Hezbollah always shouting Jihad and stuff, right?


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What Explains the Flow of Foreign Fighters to ISIS?
authored by Professor Efraim Benmelech of the Kellogg School of Management and Esteban Klor, Economics Chair at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Working Paper Published: 25 april 2016


This paper provides the first systematic analysis of the link between economic, political, and social conditions and the global phenomenon of ISIS foreign fighters. We find that poor economic conditions do not drive participation in ISIS. In contrast, the number of ISIS foreign fighters is positively correlated with a country's GDP per capita and Human Development Index (HDI). In fact, many foreign fighters originate from countries with high levels of economic development, low income inequality, and highly developed political institutions. Other factors that explain the number of ISIS foreign fighters are the size of a country's Muslim population and its ethnic homogeneity. Although we cannot directly determine why people join ISIS, our results suggest that the flow of foreign fighters to ISIS is driven not by economic or political conditions but rather by ideology and the difficulty of assimilation into homogeneous Western countries.

Source: https://scholars.huji.ac.il/eklor/publications/what-explains-flow-foreign-fighters-isis
Link to download the paper: https://scholars.huji.ac.il/sites/default/files/eklor/files/w22190.pdf

A short analysis can be found in this article. Keypoints from this article:

- Muslims most likely to join ISIS are not in the Middle East or Africa. Rates of ISIS recruitment are highest in highly developed western countries, the ones with cultures you might least associate with radical Islam. The finding is consistent with several other studies that have found overwhelmingly negative views of ISIS in majority-Muslim countries.
- ISIS fighters tend to come from countries where Muslims are culturally isolated
- Poor economic conditions do not explain ISIS recruitment, in fact the data suggest the opposite is true: countries with high economic development and low income inequality tend to produce more ISIS fighters.
- ISIS recruitment rates are higher in homogeneous cultures where it's harder for foreigners to assimilate

Because the analysis looks only at correlations, it does not reach any conclusive determinations about the causes. However, the authors theorize it is cultural isolation that induces some Muslims to become radicalized.