I've had it up to my neck with NFL players and all their gangsta bullshit that includes all of em no matter what color. You never see that shit in the NHL.
NHL players don't get paid much compared to other sports.
I've had it up to my neck with NFL players and all their gangsta bullshit that includes all of em no matter what color. You never see that shit in the NHL.
NHL players don't get paid much compared to other sports.
Yeah but compare that to what baseball players get and even some pro soccer players over in Europe get.
That's why I pretty much have boycotted the NFL. The commercials are so rampant it's truly a disgusting effort to promote Bud Light products. I just can't really handle that shit. I'll tune in from time to time but it's hard at times.
Today, however, according to FIFA the United States has more official soccer players than any other nation in the world - almost 18 million. No other sport crosses so many cultural boundaries, and it no surprise that it is the fastest growing team sport in the United States.
It may not be that popular in the USA but they still have more registered players than any other nation in the world.
It's ironic that you have that much of a problem with commercials for sports popular here, but for some reason don't have a problem with a sport where the teams are shameless enough to be practically running billboards for some business.
NHL players don't get paid much compared to other sports.
Sorry Iceman, I fail to see the connection between how much money you make and how much of a worthless asshole someone is.
Are you saying hockey players aren't pieces of shit because they only make 6 or 7 million a year?:dunno:
They're making more than that. Didn't Gabby sign a monster contract with your Rangers?
The KHL is also signing players for massive contracts as well. Kovalchuk was reported to have been offered a 3-year $40 million dollar contract.
To get a better understanding you would have to combine all the people in Europe together and compare them all to us.
Which is another thing I hate about the NFL. You take a guy like AP and he's damn near washed up already. It's rare that an Emmitt Smith or Barry Sanders comes along.
Yeah, there's a ton of running backs like Pacman Jones. Who was the one from Miami who was supposed to be the next Emmitt Smith? He robbed his neighbors house. The showmanship from guys like TO and Chad Johnson is pretty nauseating as well.
AP washed up? lol.
Pacman was NOT a running back.
TO is a douche bag.
Compared to the last few years AP fell off the planet this last season. I'll make a prediction right now, with how physical he is I see a major injury either this year or next. He's a good power back but he has little finesse.
Alot of that was because they had Farve. A QB that could (and did) throw the ball. They hadn't had a good passing QB for years before that.
Most importantly the games last only two hours so the game goes by really quick unlike my favorite sport baseball which can get dull at times.
Both baseball and Soccer games seem to go on and on and on and on when I watch them. Theses aren't really sports, they are children's games designed to teach teamwork without the risk of injury that comes along with more physical sports. Plus most of the players (most not all) could care less about the fans, it is about the check. They might say they care, but that's because they have to to get paid more by building a larger fan base.
Take me to a kiddie baseball game that my little brother is playing in, I have a ton of fun, and so do they. And the kids really want to win for their school, they aren't getting paid a dime. Pay grown men millions to play the same game...
Pay two men millions to go into a ring and beat the brain cells out of each other.. now that is sport! :2 cents: