Im not sure if this idea has been suggested already but...
Have you ever noticed how much stuff is used in football compared to soccer?
Not every country has the money to pay for all the stuff football requires like the United States has, neither do alot of them have the people.
They do however play a game kinda similar to football in other countries called Rugby, which is like football with alot less equiptment.
Anyways thats just a theory of mine, it might be partially right or partially wrong... No need to get into an argument over it.
No argument but a bit more juice
maybe. I guess you are surely not completly wrong.
There are now in Canada (at least parts of it) more young soccer players than young hockey players, and one of the main reason is money.
It is not like the good old days when the guys where skating on an exterior ice rink, playing with anything that could be called a puck, wearing abnout no equipment, and were inventing rules according to the situation (4 good guys playing against 5 guys not as good as them), smaller nets for not so good teams, etc. Things we see being done nowadays by soccer players.
Now hockey players need equipement, register in leagues, make the team or they almost don't play... and it does cost lots of money.
Like in the MasterCard ad : a goalkeeper equipement... never used (800$)... Pretty annoying for parents that pay the price and see their kids on the bench and not on the ice.
Soccer is virtually free compared to that and fun is for everyone cause they all play (That is as long as we are not that good and that there are no real pro league in Canada. When getting a place in a pro team will be a concern, fun for all will gradually disapeared. Here, that's what most people complain about hockey.)
This has nothing to do with saying that soccer is a sport for poor people...
but if you put it positively, it shows that soccer is a real democratic sport, opens to everyone.
I put a long answer to a so-called scientific study of ESPN. The GDP (PPP) debate is about the same type and as irrevelant as the previous one.
And as many has wrote, (I summarize in my poor English) it is all good, just different.
Compare it to art. The ESPN poll would tell me that Jan Garbarek is a better jazzman than Miles Davis. And they can prove it. Why ? Because you need only one hand and 4 fingers (thumb included) to play trumpet but you need both hands and 5 fingers of each hand to play sax. Apply the ESPN scientific study (and it could be apply, why not?) and any sax players is better that trumpet players.
And also sax are more expensive than trumpets,. And teachers and schools cost more also. Studying it is longer, mastering the basics also. Higher GDP (PPP) is for sax also.
Is Garbarek better than Miles ???
It is art, it has nothing to do with any of the previous.
Same for sports!
What I didn't like is taht some of the posts are like this : it is a stupid sport because it doesn't work like the sports I know.
That someone finds it boring, who cares, I find football boring. But saying it is stupid because it does not work like the sports I know and like, and that they actually should change all the rules of soccer to adapt it to my taste ???
Written this way, I am not sure many people would agree with that.