Why I will never have a girlfriend

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Well, I never read the your first thread, or very little of it actually. If you feel you were being attacked there, then I can understand why you came off the way you did here. You're being completely defensive, and swinging from your heels responding to what you feel are attacks in that other thread.

This post really comes off as confrontational when it's first read though, and I think you can probably do a better job getting your point across if you take a step back, gather yourself, and make a post that's not coming from the defensive.

From what I got out of the few posts I did read in your other thread, I think that most people were taking your thread as a gag, simply because it's not something they usually come across on this forum. I believe that the majority of the people on this board are pretty good people, and they seem to genuinely enjoy trying to help eachother out, and I think that if you, maybe, restate your concerns that You Might get some of the advice that you're seeking. Yes, you'll probalby get some of the same stuff that you've heard before, but, if you let that stuff slide off your back without telling people that you hope they get hit by a train for offering it as advice, You Might get some good advice you haven't been offerred before.

I really think Manny started it off well, and I too, was fairly antisocial in my early 20's. My best advice is to just strive to talk to people, male and female, just a little bit more each day, or every couple of days, or each week. Don't set yourself a goal of getting a relationship going with a girl, even though that's what you really want right now, just get to the point where you talk to them as another person until you are more comfortable with them. And, yes, this my take a while, but if it's what you want, it's worth the effort. That's the best I can offer. I hope that is a start in helping with your trouble, but like I said, I don't want to argue about this.
I kinda know how toast king feels. I felt the same way several years ago, then a girl I met thru a co-worker asked me out and now we're married, anyway good luck finding someone


Finally, I repeat: no amount of Dr. Phil advice on the Internet will cure a crippling social disability. Do not try that shit with me. Do not spout cliches like "you'll find someone" without backing it up with logical reasoning and arguments (and no, don't counter that with inane bullshit like "love is not logical lol").

That is all.

I think that you have done a sublime job of locking all of the doors, blocking all of the roads, and "cottoning" all of the ears of anyone that you may have not already isolated. In an matter of one post, leaving aside the almost irrational aggression in a flame war that almost got you banned, you've manage to do the following:

1) Command us to respond, but only if it conforms to your razor thin belief of what you already want to hear.

2) Close every option for growth and development of any meaningful conversation in the thread.

3) Demonstrate that you think that you are far far smarter and more clever than all of us - which, in fact, you clearly are.

4) Ultimately, your behavior is passive agressive and anyone who doesn't agree with you gets a strangely harsh response where you try to make the respondee seem like a flamer, when in fact you are (Which is why I've temp banned you.)

You must be grateful for the internet (your words above, and in the congrats thread where you claim to be 15k+ posts in another forum - . It's also where you wrote down exactly what you've done all over this board - "back people into a corner". You've admitted a social disability and I am far one to argue with that. You've proven that.

I don't think that you deserve assistance - because I don't think that you really want it. You clearly function at a level where contact with other humans isn't necessary and you said you like that.... then start a thread with a name to further prove it..... then, in fact, show utter desperation for contact. It's hard to read, full of such hate, arrogance, sadness, despair and lonliness, but above all, insolence.

Your attitude is a waste of my time and I won't give you any more attention - unless it's a further violation of this little board's rules.
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Center of the fothermucking universe
Hmm, this is a rather interesting thread, yes?

I'm sorry, I'm definitely gonna get a warning/yellow card for this... but what a nob toast is. Sorry, but theres no need to be like that. You remind me of my dad - selfish, self-centred, out for himself.
I'm never returning to this board again. This place is too childish and politically correct for me. I just re-registered to post this.

BNF said:
I think that you have done a sublime job of locking all of the doors, blocking all of the roads, and "cottoning" all of the ears of anyone that you may have not already isolated. In an matter of one post, leaving aside the almost irrational aggression in a flame war that almost got you banned, you've manage to do the following:
Why would it have gotten me banned? I didn't start it and I tried to tell people that there was no point in discussing the subject because they didn't know anything about it and were unqualified to give any opinions. They went ahead with it anyway. Now that I finally did explain my situation, I get banned! Make up your fucking minds and stop acting like children.

1) Command us to respond, but only if it conforms to your razor thin belief of what you already want to hear.

2) Close every option for growth and development of any meaningful conversation in the thread.

3) Demonstrate that you think that you are far far smarter and more clever than all of us - which, in fact, you clearly are.

4) Ultimately, your behavior is passive agressive and anyone who doesn't agree with you gets a strangely harsh response where you try to make the respondee seem like a flamer, when in fact you are (Which is why I've temp banned you.)
The problem is that you guys have been hell-bent on shoving your ill-conceived advice down my throat, whether I like it or not, and whether or not you even know anything about the situation. In this thread, I explained my situation because people had demanded an explanation. I made it very clear that people should not offer their retarded "lol just talk to girls am i rite" advice when it clearly does not work and will not help me in any way whatsoever. If you think every option for meaningful conversation is lost just because you can't play doctor fucking Phil with my life, the problem is with you. Don't blame your own problems on others, ok?

It seems like I don't have the right to tell people not to give me advice, yet those same people have every right to give me as much as advice as they want to, and demand me to talk about my personal life, and completely flip out if I refuse to do so (and then flip out if I do the opposite). They can also just skip everything I've written and present stupid fucking questions like "why did you write this," and then expect to get nothing but polite answers from me.

You must be grateful for the internet (your words above, and in the congrats thread where you claim to be 15k+ posts in another forum - . It's also where you wrote down exactly what you've done all over this board - "back people into a corner".
I don't even know what the fuck this gibberish is supposed to mean.

You've admitted a social disability and I am far one to argue with that. You've proven that.
I admitted a certain kind of social disability in a certain context (real life). This is a different context (Internet messageboard) where the social disability does not apply. You lose.

I don't think that you deserve assistance - because I don't think that you really want it.
Yes! Bravo! You've got it! You catch on pretty quick, because I certainly never even hinted in the first post that I'm not looking for armchair psychology! Jesus Christ...

It's hard to read, full of such hate, arrogance, sadness, despair and lonliness, but above all, insolence.
Hey, doesn't that constitute flaming? Shit, I thought flaming was againts the rules. You'd better ban yourself now. Also, lots of people here say things that constitute flaming (according to your standards), but I don't see you banning any of them.That fox guy even threatened to find out where I live because his drug-induced paranoia trip was telling him that I'm someone he knows. But hey, threatening people is perfectly okay.

iamforever said:
according to his posts, he is banned. finally we can forget about his nonwilling to find a girl?
You hypocrite asshole. You, along with Prof Voluptuary, started to talk about this in the first place, not me.

Seriously man, I do think you've "done a sublime job of locking all of the doors, blocking all of the roads, and "cottoning" all of the ears of anyone that you may have not already isolated."

No offence, but maybe your gay?


Closed Account
Whoa! What the hell did I miss?
This guy sounded confrontational from the start.


Anyone ever watched "How I met your mother" before?

Barney said it perfectly: "I prefer not to have a girlfriend and all that commitment stuff, one night stands is all I want to ever have"

well, it was something like that LOL


Center of the fothermucking universe
not really. one just like this one already happened.
Update your Sarcasmaware

Well toast_king or king_of_toast or ruler_of_grilled_bread_products, after reading your long winded diatribe makes me feel a helluva lot better about myself.

Sad a young man more like a boy gives up on love at so young an age. Jesus Christ son you're 22! Your life is just beginning!

Sad really. :(

Maybe invest in a trip to a third world country and pick up a cheap wife...

Then maybe you can practice your social skills and develop you sex life...

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