Why dont I cum a lot?


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I'll give you my response from a similar thread I replied on....

It's ALL genetics. Some people naturally produce bigger loads than others... just like some people can lift weights and build muscle much easier than others. You can alter your production by doing certain things, taking certain supplements, foods, etc. But you will never produce loads like Peter North if you don't have the genetic predisposition to do so (unless you take some sort of chemical drug... and even then if Peter took the same thing you'd never be on par with him because he would already be ahead of you genetically).
Good health, mental & physical, good eating and exercise.
Limit yourself to 3 loads a week and you will see an increase. DON'T waste your time with Supplements of any kind.

Any nutritionist worth there weight will tell you that 95 % of all supplements are a waste of money for good health if you eat sensibly and balanced with exercise.
Don't expect to ever have a Peter North Yogurt cannon as that guy is just a freak of nature.
This seems like another of those nice little things where the porn industry has made it so that some guys feel like if they don't virtually explode with goo, somehow it must not be right. Hey, Peter North is an exception, not how most guys usually are.

Kind of like how younger guys are now coming into adulthood believing that every chick likes anal sex, and other things porn makes "popular".

I can just see the thread five years from now. "My girlfriend won't let me gape her so that her best friend can spit in the hole? What's wrong? I need advice!"


"My girlfriend won't let me gape her so that her best friend can spit in the hole? What's wrong? I need advice!"



All you have to do is tickle the tant with a feather, then she will let you gape her so that her best friend can spit in the hole.
Sometimes it's best to be fingering the best friends A hole at the same time so it's ready when you pass your girlfriend over for the tight fresh hole before yee cums.


Staff member
well, it depends of what you eat, also how you often you masturbate and also who is your partner. If you are with someone like jesse jane, you are sure to "make" her a new make up. On the other hand if you are with someone who looks like used and under drugs like Jenna, the excitement isn ot so big then you won't cum as much. Cumming a lot is also due to the excitement as well as the hotness of the female partner you are with.
The lenght of the "act" affects the amount and velocity. And of course if you masturbate everyday you dont generate so much of sperm. If i remeber right 20 days is when balls get "maxed out".

And finally you need to accept yourself as you are.


Closed Account
I disagree with this. The "excitement" or the hotness of my partner has very little (if anything at all) to do with the amount of cum I produce.

If the sex is more exciting, pleasurable, and intimate do some males ejaculate in a larger amount? I view all of these comments such as: 'well gee no wonder he came so much fucking her!'

I also see certain comments in the 'Massive Cumshots' topics etc. My amount has always generally been the same.
I pieced research here and there. What I found out how these guys go alot (vids not pics) is they enlarge their prostate organ. How I don't know yet. One website is called fucked up facials dot com and some other guy in freaks of cock dot com. These guys go way more than that porn star mentioned before. I know how to get the penis to be 18+ inches but not about the load. Maybe they use a tube and insert fluid everyday so that it stretches over time, but that could lead to cancer (prostate cancer)... Im not sure but would you risk finding out
I cum a lot and I actually wish that I didn't. It just makes for a hell of a mess. My gf likes to swallow but she can't swallow in time so it just goes all over the place and we need to shower before we can do anything else. I've been with some girls that like it and some that don't. I'd prefer it if I only shot 4 or 5 thick ropes instead of 8 or 9.
I cum a lot and I actually wish that I didn't. It just makes for a hell of a mess. My gf likes to swallow but she can't swallow in time so it just goes all over the place and we need to shower before we can do anything else. I've been with some girls that like it and some that don't. I'd prefer it if I only shot 4 or 5 thick ropes instead of 8 or 9.

Girls that swallow are gross. Its not food ... reminds me of a video I saw. This girl swallows and then after says "mmm, I love children". geez that made me puke


Official Checked Star Member
OMFG I LOVE IT! I LOVE that you drew a diagram to show your lack of jizz and also I love that you're concerned that not much jizz comes out of you. I'm DYING.

Okay, all amusement aside though. Why do you care what comes out of the tip of your dick? Are you trying to get her pregnant? I believe that generally most women don't give a shit how much comes out of you (unless you're putting like, a six roper on my face and then I'm going to be mad. Dude, eat less. Fuck.). I mean, I'm led to believe that if you masturbate more often less comes out per pump, but who cares? I don't.

I get him off, I'm happy. I don't pay attention to how much it is.


Official Checked Star Member
I pieced research here and there. What I found out how these guys go alot (vids not pics) is they enlarge their prostate organ. How I don't know yet. One website is called fucked up facials dot com and some other guy in freaks of cock dot com. These guys go way more than that porn star mentioned before. I know how to get the penis to be 18+ inches but not about the load. Maybe they use a tube and insert fluid everyday so that it stretches over time, but that could lead to cancer (prostate cancer)... Im not sure but would you risk finding out

DUDE! That's just not right! EW! Oh man. I hope nobody really does that.

Probably they use a hidden tube on the other side of the guy's cock and shoot out some extra, fake, liquid. Happens all the time

*Isobel, shattering your porn illusions one at a time*