Why do porno actors and actresses spit?


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I love these five year old threads. :facepalm:

Interesting to see Miss Brittany as an OCSM with negative rep points.. In fact, I've never seen it happen at all. Oh well. :(

Anyway, since cfacts reopened it. I'll comment now.

Spitting is technically good as a lubricant. However, it is the cheap way out. A couple will have a much better time using a tube of lubricant. A much pleasurable orgasm for both of them will happen if they are using the tube of lubricant, especially if the lubricant is scented.

A girl spitting in her cleavage is for lubrication purposes on a titfuck. Her spitting on a guy's penis, that's for more stimulation. Spitting works much better regarding a handjob. It supposed to get him harder. It's just like a stud on her tongue on a blowjob - more stimulaton. It tends to get the guy harder much faster. However, spitting really doesn't work too good on a blowjob because the guy should be stiff once she moves her mouth and tongue all over his swollen member.

The same is true when we have the guy spitting into the girl's pussy or ass. It tends to act like lube. That combined with the guy putting his finger in her pussy or his tongue, should give the girl her first orgasm, if it is done correctly. The guy can use his fingers to find her g-spot. If the guy does it to her ass (as in putting a finger in as a pegging instance) then orgasm two should soon follow. :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I spit on everyone.

I have not had anyone freak out. A bit shocked but were over it in a second as I had there cock and ass in my mouth.

If a guy hit me after I spit on him......

Call the cops as that bitch is dead!

No one hits Miss Brittany unless Miss Brittany begs for it.

Maybe Miss Brittany should make sure that the person wants to be spit on... just as she's saying a person should make sure she wants to be smacked before smacking her.

Speaking only for myself (but mimicking Miss Brittany): No one spits on Mr. Rey unless Mr. Rey begs for it... and Mr. Rey don't beg nobody for nothin'!

To me, a girl who spits is telling me that I've made a (very) bad choice for the evening. I don't want to see you spit. I don't want to smell your farts. I don't want to watch you take a piss or a dump. I don't want to listen to you burb. There are guys who are very much into that stuff. But I'm just not one of them. :nono: