Why do people wish celebs a happy b-day on Freeones?

Because unless you know that some celebrity is actually able to read their birthday wishes here,then what's the point?

I've yet to see any major Hollywood star on Freeones,so wishing them a happy birthday it totally pointless.
:2 cents:
People like to delude themselves, they like to think of their lives as more important than they actually are and as such they believe that what they do - such as in this case; wishing a complete stranger that they may or may not have cum over at one time or another - reflects upon them certain attributes that they believe makes them more attractive to the certain celeb who's obviously reading every one of their posts. They're of course just that important.

Plus famous peoples assholes taste much nicer than regular peoples. Trust me, I know - I was the last guy to rim Marlon Brando before he died.
Well, why is it that when someone dies, people leave "R.I.P." comments on websites, like at Youtube?


Why do most people close the door when they go to the bathroom - even if no one else is home?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Pretty fuckin stupid when ya think about it but then again so is almost everything else we do here. :dunno:
It is pretty pointless but how do you actually know that there isn't a Hollywood star on Freeones? It's not like they're going to advertise they're on a porn board. Much like at a hotel, they'd use a false name.


Die For Me
So they want to wish someone a happy birthday, whats wrong with that?
Sure, they wont read it, but is there really a good method to get it across in a way that the celeb will care anyway?
Translation : To increase their post count.
Why?? Because of the chance that ones favorite celebrity IS a member here under a false name...and upon reading your good wishes...becomes so flattered and enamored of you that they use their considerable resources to find out who you are...track you down and just show up at your workplace one day and carry you out in their arms to a better life!!! :lovecoupl

Better life = 6 months of torrid sex....followed by alienation...contempt and then threatening phone calls telling you that you dress to provocatively and that you are going to get gang raped because of it.....followed by a settlement out of court for a astronomical sum of money
Someone has never had Freeones ice cream cake.....


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Well someone has to remember their birthdays, because their families don't.
Well, why is it that when someone dies, people leave "R.I.P." comments on websites, like at Youtube?


Why do most people close the door when they go to the bathroom - even if no one else is home?

Because people are dumb. Thank you I never close the door. It's only there to make girls feel safe.
I'm sure there are people sitting in a dark room somewhere in there underwear and a sweat and grease stained tank top they haven't taken off in a month eating cheese puffs that they dip in half spoiled mayonnaise thinking, "If I post it this time maybe she will come along for real to see it and start liking me" while they start daydreaming and salivating in the pale light of their computer screen.

Or maybe they just like wishing people happy birthday that who won't care about it. :dunno: