Why do people want kids?

I hate my life enough right now without some little shit making it 10x worse. Besides, I like drinking and having fun. Kids stop that from happening.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I hate my life enough right now without some little shit making it 10x worse. Besides, I like drinking and having fun. Kids stop that from happening.

Oh, on the contrary, I came up with a wonderful game to play when you are drunk. You find yourself a kid - preferably your own, because other people's children scream and yell when you try to take them - and you see how many times the kid can dodge an empty beer bottle in an hour. Then, you try to break that record. It's amazing fun.

Will E Worm

Wrong ! It's the self centered, self aggrandizing, narcissistic types that wish to duplicate themselves, or half way at least, in the form of their own children that are the self centered types. ;) :tongue: I'm half kidding

You better be 100% joking when you read this. :nono:

After reading a couple of these comments, I'm not even sure if I want kids neither anymore. I mean, a cat or (indoor) dog would easily fill the so-called hole that many people feel that a kid fills up.


I wouldn't dare have children unless I knew that I could appropriately provide for them
. . none of that ''Hillary's Village'' stuff for my kids! . .
. . . and in the event that I were to eventually become divorced from my future wife
(a certain given in these progressive times . . . I know :facepalm:) those mean faced and clipped haired dyke commies over at Child Protective Services better keep their cotton picken hands off me laddies!


Perhaps it's a matter of attitude.I found having a family the most enjoyable and rewarding experience ; true there were times when not everything came up roses but I don't regret for a second having it .Certainly it placed restrictions both on finances and time but the gains heavily outweighed any losses.
Now I'm a grandad and it's great.The little ones have given me a new lease of life, I end up doing things I never thought I'd be doing at my age and loving it.
To those who don't want kids because they would interfere with their lifestyle or career-I pity them for their shallow lives.


Believer In GregCentauro
manual labor...

knowing what I know about how men think, if i ever have a daughter (a hot one), it brings me pain thinking about having to know that she is gonna get plowed by some horny teenage boy that I once was...im hoping for boys...


Torn & Frayed.
I decided a long time ago that I didn't want kids,and I don't regret it. As a matter of fact;I think the world would be a better place if people stopped having them,at least for a while....

.....which is a roundabout way of saying that some people shouldn't.


Believer In GregCentauro
Interestingly enough the trends with developing countries are to have lots of children, but as that society progresses, children become less, and a massive increase of an aging population leads to many problems...
You people make me sick!

To those of you who say the never want children, you know you're letting the fucking Muslims win, don't you? Does this not fill you with the kind of hatred and disgust that could just strangle a baby to death!?

I mean, if you were to ever have a child this is the perfect reason to do so. We can't let those "people" win. It's an abomination!


What I like to do is hire a sitter, tell her that my kid is asleep upstairs and that she shouldn't wake it up. Then when I come home, I ask her where my child has gone. Having an actual kid would ruin my fun.
I wouldn't mind have a child or two when I know I am stable in life financially and job wise and a wife. If the times were different I would want ten or twelve kids. However seeing how crazy the world is and messed up people are I can see having two kids will be a handful all around.


The majority of people who don't want children are self-centered.

Exact opposite. But you probably knew that and were just trolling.


There's only a few reasons why people have kids-

1. You think you can do a better job than your parents did

2. You're bored and want something to entertain you now or look after you in old age (insurance)

3. You want your genetics to live on for generations to come because they're so superior

read more here
You people make me sick!

To those of you who say the never want children, you know you're letting the fucking Muslims win, don't you? Does this not fill you with the kind of hatred and disgust that could just strangle a baby to death!?

I mean, if you were to ever have a child this is the perfect reason to do so. We can't let those "people" win. It's an abomination!

You're an abomination.

I said it.
