I hate my life enough right now without some little shit making it 10x worse. Besides, I like drinking and having fun. Kids stop that from happening.
Wrong ! It's the self centered, self aggrandizing, narcissistic types that wish to duplicate themselves, or half way at least, in the form of their own children that are the self centered types.:tongue: I'm half kidding
The majority of people who don't want children are self-centered.
I don't really want kids, but the missus does. Help?
You people make me sick!
To those of you who say the never want children, you know you're letting the fucking Muslims win, don't you? Does this not fill you with the kind of hatred and disgust that could just strangle a baby to death!?
I mean, if you were to ever have a child this is the perfect reason to do so. We can't let those "people" win. It's an abomination!
You're an abomination.
I said it.
I'm so hot for you right now...
Lets make out!
Meet you you know where big boy.