Why do people believe in ghosts?


Hiliary 2020
Ok I'm sensing something , I'm getting something like M, M Mike? Mark? Mary? does this name mean anything to anybody here?

I believe I have encountered ghosts in New Jersey 2 times in my life
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling...
My mum told me a long time ago that the house we live in, and all the adjacent buildings were built on top of an old graveyard. Not sure if this was true or not, but if it is, and if ghosts are real, im sure i would of seen one by now!


Closed Account
If you come where I live out in the countryside, you'll see loads of ghosts, guaranteed!
& you think you'll find the answer on a porn forum?!?
& what's with the "most".

"Most" is correct, just look at the movie 2012's box office gross (even though the Mayans never actually said the world would come to and end) and bullshit Nostradamus prophecies...Most people buy into supernatural crap. They have a "I'll believe it until it gets disproven" mentality but it should be the other way around; why not "I'll believe it once it gets proven to be true"?

Its also nice to think that once you die you go on forever, its more comforting to think that then I'm done. But if you all want is to feel good, just use heroin, it has the same effect.