Jared Lee Loughner(Gabrielle Gifford's assassin), Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK), James Earl Ray(MLK), John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln)
Do you not have a middle name?
No big deal on it...they are always referred to by their entire name because it identifies them clearer than merely saying their first and last name.
It's a way of distinguishing Lee Harvey Oswald from other, potential Lee Oswalds (for example).
I don't think people without a middle names are necessarily less susceptible to being assassins...there are just far more people with middle names.
Jared Lee Loughner(Gabrielle Gifford's assassin) - deranged hillbilly.
Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK) - commie hillbilly.
James Earl Ray(MLK) - big time hillbilly.
John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln) - "southern gentleman" aka, hillbilly.
I think that pretty much sums it all up.
You guys forgot Kim Jong-Il and Christina Agu-Lera
Osama bin Laden, Paula ab Dul, Johnny Apple Seed, Martin Fucking Short, Gar Halloween Field...
George Walker Bush
Richard Bruce Cheney
Donald Henry Rumsfeld
Colin Luther Powell
Richard Lee Armitage
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz