Why do assassins have three names?

Jared Lee Loughner(Gabrielle Gifford's assassin), Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK), James Earl Ray(MLK), John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln)

No big deal on it...they are always referred to by their entire name because it identifies them clearer than merely saying their first and last name.

It's a way of distinguishing Lee Harvey Oswald from other, potential Lee Oswalds (for example).

I don't think people without a middle names are necessarily less susceptible to being assassins...there are just far more people with middle names.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It's the same with presidents. :dunno: They're usually known by three names as well.


Hiliary 2020
ask jesse "the body" ventura or mark david chapman.......or kathy-lee-gifford.

its the media, thats all.
it goes back to john wilkes booth, it sounded good and they just ran with it ever since.
Self fulfilling prophecy?

So if you want your son to be a famous murderer, just call him by all 3 names from childhood? :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
Do you not have a middle name?

no its more than that.
very few people are known by their full christian name.

it goes back to wilkes booth, so the media continued the trend in most cases, thats all.

due to the notoriety of and association with john wilkes booth as an assassin and as a bad person the media continued the trend to show evilness in the bad guy.
its almost a subliminal thing.

check this out:
An interesting case in point would be that of New York's so-called "Subway Vigilante" in 1984. When his actions were still viewed as a shocking unmotivated attack, the news media consistently referred to him by his full name, "Bernhard Hugo Goetz". However, as his story came out and public opinion shifted more and more in his favor, the news programs began calling him just "Bernhard Goetz" and finally "Bernie".


No big deal on it...they are always referred to by their entire name because it identifies them clearer than merely saying their first and last name.

It's a way of distinguishing Lee Harvey Oswald from other, potential Lee Oswalds (for example).

I don't think people without a middle names are necessarily less susceptible to being assassins...there are just far more people with middle names.

True but don't some people choose to go with three names for all we know Gifford's assassin went by three names. I doubt the second name is their middle name. Here's a list of famous people with three names and I doubt the media chose to call them by three names.
More specifically mass murderers

Eric David Harris
Dylan Bennet Klebold
Hastings Arthur Wise
Marcus Delon Wesson
Joseph T. Wesbecker
Jiverly Antares Wong
Chai Soua Vang
Byran Koji Uyesugi
Richard Franklin Speck
Perry Edward Smith
Gayno Gilbert Smith
Patrick Henry Sherrill
Jennifer San Marco
Ramon Bojorquez Salcido
James Urban Ruppert
Robert Earnest Rozier
Charles Carl Roberts
David Lewis Rice
Terry Michael Ratzmann
John Leonard Orr
Terry Lynn Nichols
Jay Wesley Neill
Mitchell Scott Johnson
Andrew Douglas Golden
Timothy James McVeigh
Jeffrey Don Lundgren
John Emil List
John Doyle Lee
Charles Davis Lawson
Andrew Philip Kehoe
Steven Phillip Kazmierczak
Steven Dale Green
Jesse V. Spielman
James P. Barker
Kyle Aaron Huff
James Oliver Huberty
Daryl Keith Holton
Wesley Neal Higdon
Richard Eugene Hickock
George Jo Hennard
Robert A. Hawkins
George Jefferson Hassell
Jack Gilbert Graham
Buford O. Furrow, Jr.
Priscilla Joyce Ford
Michael Julius Ford
Zane Michael Floyd
Gian Luigi Ferri
Richard Wade Farley
James C. Dunham
Richard Kenneth Djerf
Thomas Anthony DeSimone
Roy Albert DeMeo
Paul E. Cortez
Hank Earl Carr
William Laws Calley (100+ deaths)
Carl Robert Brown
William Bradford Bishop, Jr.
George Emil Banks
Stuart Charles Alexander


My Penis Is Dancing!
Jared Lee Loughner(Gabrielle Gifford's assassin) - deranged hillbilly.
Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK) - commie hillbilly.
James Earl Ray(MLK) - big time hillbilly.
John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln) - "southern gentleman" aka, hillbilly.

I think that pretty much sums it all up.
It's the same as getting in trouble as a kid. When your mom yells your first name, she just wants your attention. When she yells your full name, you know you're in the shit now.
Jared Lee Loughner(Gabrielle Gifford's assassin) - deranged hillbilly.
Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK) - commie hillbilly.
James Earl Ray(MLK) - big time hillbilly.
John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln) - "southern gentleman" aka, hillbilly.
I think that pretty much sums it all up.

How were Oswald and Booth "hillbillies"? Other than you generalized anti-hillbilly fetish?

Nothing says "hillbilly" like globe-trotting Communists and Shakespearian thespians.

Don't even get me started on that redneck, Gavrilo Princip...
George Walker Bush
Richard Bruce Cheney
Donald Henry Rumsfeld
Colin Luther Powell
Richard Lee Armitage
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz