Living across the river from Detroit, I see sooooooooooooo many bandwagon fans its ridiculous.
The Wings couldn'tt give away tickets in the early 90's. Now everybody is a Wings fan.
The Detroit Tigers were one of the worst franchises in history and all you could see were Yankees and Red Sox hats...until their breakout year, and what do you know. Detroit "D" hats everywhere.
Same with the Pistons. Once they won, all you hear on the streets of downtown Windsor, "DEEEEEEEEETROITTTTTTTT BAAAAAASKETBAAAAAAAAALL". Now there is Celtics "fans" everywhere. I wonder if these are the same fans who wore paper bags over their heads at the Garden, or the same fans who were cheering Kobe for MVP, IN THE GARDEN.
I cant wait to see all the Lions "fans" when they EVENTUALLY, become a solid team.
Right on! I am a Detroit Sports fan good or bad, even the Detroit Lions! Even waste my time with season tickets...