Why Can't We Support Winning Teams?

Living across the river from Detroit, I see sooooooooooooo many bandwagon fans its ridiculous.

The Wings couldn'tt give away tickets in the early 90's. Now everybody is a Wings fan.

The Detroit Tigers were one of the worst franchises in history and all you could see were Yankees and Red Sox hats...until their breakout year, and what do you know. Detroit "D" hats everywhere.

Same with the Pistons. Once they won, all you hear on the streets of downtown Windsor, "DEEEEEEEEETROITTTTTTTT BAAAAAASKETBAAAAAAAAALL". Now there is Celtics "fans" everywhere. I wonder if these are the same fans who wore paper bags over their heads at the Garden, or the same fans who were cheering Kobe for MVP, IN THE GARDEN.

I cant wait to see all the Lions "fans" when they EVENTUALLY, become a solid team.

Right on! I am a Detroit Sports fan good or bad, even the Detroit Lions! Even waste my time with season tickets...
Who cares, really? Support whomever you like. Just have an actual reason. And be able to name a player or two on the team other than the obvious stars. Don't say you like ManU because Christiano Ronaldo is so awesome...come up with something a little more original that that, for example.

I've moved around so much in my life that I have an eclectic mix of teams. I am new to Arsenal though.
Oh, please, ;) This is not law, nor is it a complicated query. I think that you perhaps, in jest, over analyzed a very simple query.

Let me ask this - Should there be winners and losers ?
Should any and all competition be banned in order to create an atmosphere of "level playing field" ?

Of course there should be winners and losers if you're playing a competitive sport - why not?

No, "all competition" should not be banned, for the reason you mentioned or whatever other.

I never even hinted at either of those things; I think it's odd that you asked.


I said what I said because the question that started the thread seemed pretty flawed to me. Why can't we support winning teams????

You can, I doubt anyone's stopping you. You should support whatever team you wish to, so go ahead and do it. :rolleyes:


Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards
If someone likes to see players at high level and quality play, it is fine.
But if you are only interested in this, you are a fan of the game, not of the team.
If you choose 'your team', because they play good and are able to win alot, you are interested in the game and possibly in the winning, not in the team.
You do not get a fan because you want to win - you want your team to win because you are a fan.

You do not choose your team,
it chooses you.
...Of course it doesn't really choose you... it's got something to do with the heart. You are a fan and don't really know why. It's memories, it's experiences, it's feeling home.

Maybe if you only go for the best, you are a kind of nowhere man.


Anyway. At the moment I think this is my favourite team
:boobies: http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=1416851 :yesyes:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I support my hometown Steelers year round, win or lose. As for the Penguins and hockey, of course I like seeing them win, but if we lose, we lose. I'm not going to pick a new favorite team just because we lose. Any true, blue Pittsburgher feels the same way. Living here you're either a Pittsburgh fan or you're shit.

Oh yeah, as for our baseball team, it's been so long since we've had a winning record, I almost forgot they exist. But I still root them on when they play.
How do you think I feel? I'm a hockey and soccer fan... living in Cleveland, Ohio!! Every where I go it's Browns this, Indians that!

Ever since I was little I was a Red Wings fan. Ohio didn't have an NHL team and I really didn't like Pittsburgh (no offense!). I have been a Red Wings fan since 1985. Columbus just got the Bluejackets a few years ago, decent team. I will keep my eye on them but, I'm gonna be a fan of the team I've liked for 24 years.

As for soccer, I was always a Cleveland Force fan!! (MISL) The team went bancrupt, and isn't around anymore but they were the first sports event I ever saw live! I was 9 years old and I fell in love with the team. I even took time off while I was a Marine to fly home and see the Force win the 1994/1995 season Championship!! Don't know who I'll root for now though.

In the MLS it's the Columbus Crew!! Been a fan for a few years.

So, its hard being me, but I still cheer on my teams. Wear their gear and pay a disgusting amount of money to watch all the games/matches on cable - pay per view!!

What can I say, I'm a sick, sick, sick man!
first off go twins....second there is a difference between being a fan and cheering for a team cause they are doing well (aka bandwagon)


Take a Hit, Spunker!
If someone likes to see players at high level and quality play, it is fine.
But if you are only interested in this, you are a fan of the game, not of the team.

I suppose this sums me up, I tend to be a fan of the sport, rather than certain teams, and I choose which games to watch based on the entertainment value of that team, or maybe their opponenent for that particular game (Red Sox v Yankees, Browns v Steelers etc).

I wonder why people are so loyal, especially with big league teams, which are treated like businesses. They certainly don't appear loyal to their fans, and in the U.S it seems common practice to simply move to another city when things begin to look bleak.

That is probably why I do support individual Nascar drivers, they tend to treat the racing as true sport, there are no "business decisions" and you can follow them no matter what team they drive for that year. :wave2:
I suppose this sums me up, I tend to be a fan of the sport, rather than certain teams, and I choose which games to watch based on the entertainment value of that team, or maybe their opponenent for that particular game (Red Sox v Yankees, Browns v Steelers etc).

I wonder why people are so loyal, especially with big league teams, which are treated like businesses. They certainly don't appear loyal to their fans, and in the U.S it seems common practice to simply move to another city when things begin to look bleak.

That is probably why I do support individual Nascar drivers, they tend to treat the racing as true sport, there are no "business decisions" and you can follow them no matter what team they drive for that year. :wave2:

Well $$$ talks no matter what you sport you support and people always prefer to work with a winning team with strong support.
How do you think I feel? I'm a hockey and soccer fan...
LA kings fan.

There is no negative attitude toward people who pull for these teams their whole lives. The ones who get talked about are the people who you see wearing these teams gear after they have won a championship. Every team goes through bad years, and most fans are nowhere to be found, but when they become good, they have huge amounts of fans.

:thumbsup: rep (from a yankee hater)