Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

13 Reasons Joe Biden Is Hillary 2.0

Other than proving just how awful the other Democrat presidential candidates are, the fact has-been Joe Biden continues to dominate the Democrat primary polls must be superb news for President Trump. He knows if Biden wins the nomination it will be 2016 all over again, meaning a rerun of his world-shaking defeat of Hillary Clinton.
The similarities between Creepy Joe and Crooked Hillary are becoming more and more apparent by the day.


On Election Day 2020, Joe Biden will be 78.
On Election Day 2016, Hillary Clinton was 69, and looked 78.

Despite some obvious plastic surgery, Biden looks, sounds, and acts every day of his decrepitude.

Two-Time Presidential Losers

Joe Biden has tried and failed to run for president twice before — once in ’88, when he was forced to quit in disgrace over his serial plagiarism, and once in 2008, where his candidacy went nowhere.
Hillary at least won the Democrat nomination on her second try, in 2016.
Like Biden, though, she also lost to Obama in 2008.

The Old and Tired Disappear to Rest

Just like Hillary in 2016, who was obviously old and unwell, Biden is running a part-time political campaign.
Rather than earn the nomination, he is sitting on his lead, on what he believes is a sure thing; popping up here and there to give a speech, but probably spending most of his days at home watching reruns of Matlock — or as he calls them: his stories.

No Ideas, Just Finger-Wagging Against the Bad Orange Man

When Hillary did bother to go out and earn votes, it generally would be before small, hand-picked crowds where she would rant about how indecent Trump is
. To this day I cannot tell you what she was running on or what her vision for the country was. She felt we had to vote for her because Trump was such a terrible person.
As I write this, Biden is stepping away from Matlock long enough to give a speech “eviscerating” Trump.

So tired. So familiar.

This is a country that chooses presidents on competence — not virtue, especially not sanctimonious and self-righteous virtue.
While Trump fights for America and Americans, Biden is Frank Burns.

Representing the Not-So-Great Past

While Trump ran on a very clear and precise agenda
about lowering taxes, cutting regulations, protecting gun and religious rights, getting a handle on illegal immigration, and making America great again, Hillary promised a return to the 1990s, to the Clinton years, as though that would be a good thing.
Sure, because her husband stayed out of the way of a booming economy ushered in by the Reagan/Bush years and a tech boom, the 90s were prosperous… But The Clinton Years were more than just an economy. They represented a decade of scandal and perjury and extra-marital affairs and ethical short cuts and the renting of the Lincoln bedroom.

Biden is running on the same, on the past, on a hoped-for nostalgia for the Obamacare and Benghazi boondoggles, the managed decline of America at home and abroad, and a government boot on the neck of an economy that ushered in the worst economic “recovery” in nearly a century.
No thanks.

Flip-Flops to Appease the Left

Biden has no idea what he believes in, he just wants to win.
Hillary had no idea what she believed in, she just wanted to win.
You cannot get a bead on what either of them intend to do, other than to cave to media and left-wing pressure at every turn.

Say what you want about Trump, he is what he is, he does what he says, and he stands his ground. His vision and ideas are clear, and you do not have to agree with him to see that.

Two Massive Scandals the Corrupt Media Cannot Hide

Hillary was burdened by the massive scandals surrounding the Clinton Foundation and the secret server she set up in the bathroom of her private home while serving as Secretary of State.

Creepy Joe is dealing with two massive scandals involving his son Hunter’s shady business dealings in China and Ukraine.

In the past, as recently as 2008 — as we saw with the scandals surrounding Obama’s racist church, his unforgivable relationships with a domestic terrorist and Louis Farrakhan, and the shady deal to purchase his Chicago home — the establishment media were able to bury Democrat scandals to get their guy over the finish line.
Thankfully, the media landscape has shifted considerably over the last 11 years and there is no way New Media (or Trump) will allow the corrupt media to wish Biden’s scandals into a cornfield.
Biden will have to answer for these scandals and so far his answers stink.

All that Family Baggage

Corrupt Hillary had Rapey Bill.Creepy Joe has MoneyHungry Hunter.


In 2008 and 2016, Hillary ran on the idea it was “her turn,” that she deserved the presidency, that she was inevitable.
Biden is doing the same: posing as above-it-all, refusing to engage his opponents, already fighting a general election campaign against Trump, and watching Matlock instead of hustling.

This attitude not only turns off voters who want to feel as though their vote has been earned, it keeps the candidate in a bubble, out of touch, rusty, and unprepared when the going does get rough.

No Rational to Be President

Other than “breaking the glass ceiling” and it being “her turn,” why did Hillary want to be president?
You can say the same of Biden. Does anyone know why he wants to be president — I mean other than a return to the “normalcy” of lost wars, managed economic decline, and kissing the corrupt media’s ass?

Agree or not, like him or not, we all know Trump’s rational for being president. He has an actual vision, he is the man of a thousand ideas…
“Return to normalcy” is not a rational, is not a vision… It’s nostalgia.

Mistreatment of Women

Thanks to new media and Trump’s beautiful and bottomless audacity, Hillary was not allowed to get away with posing as women’s champion, not when her record of seeking to destroy her husband’s victims is as well-documented as it is horrifying.
The same goes for Creepy Joe’s inability to control his desire to inappropriately touch women and young girls. This has all been captured on video, and like Hillary, Biden is unrepentant about his behavior and refuses to stop.

Super White

The Democrat base is primarily energized by one animating idea
, the most un-American idea of all, and that is identity politics. Until the Party regains its senses, which is unlikely in my lifetime, white people need not apply.

Presidential elections are about turnout in a handful of states and turnout is driven by passion, and passion comes from falling in love with your candidate, and no one will ever fall in love with Joe Biden.

No Charisma

Hillary Clinton had the charisma of a spinster who lives in a big house and yells at trick-or-treaters.

Biden has the charisma of a an oily lounge singer, a guy with zero self-awareness who honestly believes he’s Tom Jones, who even in middle age is certain he is on the verge of “being discovered,” who never stops dining off that time in 1981 when he opened for Tony Bennett and Tony Bennett said, “Nice job, kid.”
Worse still, Biden thinks he’s sexy because women throw their panties up on the stage, but no one has the heart to tell him his manager/promoter/driver/brother-in-law is the one throwing the panties.

Bill Clinton had charisma. Barack Obama has charisma. Trump has charisma.
Joe Biden is a creepy, tired, has-been.

Wow ! That'as a first : the first time I agree 100% with an article on Breitbart.
This article should be sent to every registered democrat. Breitbart just gave us the blueprint of Trump's campaign if Biden is the nominee. We've already seen that, we know it ends...
Fortunately it's not too late, the Democrats can still rock the boart. Yes Biden is leading in the polls. But polls can be wrong, we've seen that in 2016. And there are 20+ other candidates to the nomination, starting with Bernie Sanders who's a very different candidate...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
As if it needs to be mentioned *ahem* the front runner this far out doesn't mean much. That said, I'm not enthused with Biden getting the nomination.
As if it needs to be mentioned *ahem* the front runner this far out doesn't mean much. That said, I'm not enthused with Biden getting the nomination.

True. But all mainstream medias are pushing him and/or shitting on Sanders.
Again, we've seen that in 2016, we know how it ends...


Closed Account
Nnnnggg, no doubt Biden bites. However, IMO O'Rourke and Castro could easily be worse. Then again, Castro is in 100th place out of 20 something candidates. :rofl:

I don't know what Biden would do if he won. O'Rourke on the other hand, it's no secret what his priorities and everything else after that involve --- immigration, immigration, DACAs & DACAs' parents' path to citizenship, migrants, migrants, asylum, asylum, open borders, bridges not walls, invest a gazillion dollars in Central America and ZERO in the USA. In general, hand the USA over to Central America, Mexico and to the rest of the world.
Biden carries 1 1/000th the baggage Clinton did.

Biden demolishing all other dem candidates in the polls.
Biden also has a double digit lead over Trump in current heads up poll.

Pie eyed progressives want to throw that all away - hand re-election to the insane game show host.

Biden demolishing all other dem candidates in the polls.
Biden also has a double digit lead over Trump in current heads up poll.

Pie eyed progressives want to throw that all away - hand re-election to the insane game show host.


This is the same shit that people were saying bout HRC in 2016. How did that go?
I've said it before and I say it again : If Biden's the democratic nominee, just cancel the election, give Trump his 2nd mandate, that would save time. And spare us another night of agony as we watch swing states going to Trymp one by one...

If you can't see how Biden is just Hillary's carbon-copy, get an appointment with an ophtalmologist, ASAP !
I'm not saying that Biden can't win. Virtually any of the top tier candidates can beat this doofus we have in the White House. What I'm saying is that Biden is just another stale ass Neoliberal just like HRC and is nothing more than schill for corporations and special interests. What's his platform exactly? That we need to go back to the time before Trump? Oh yeah because shit was good back in the Obama years? Well I have news for you, it wasn't. There's only two candidates who are running that care about the average American and have policies that would improve the lives of average Americans and those two candidates are Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren
I'm not saying that Biden can't win. Virtually any of the top tier candidates can beat this doofus we have in the White House.

No. That's just the point. They can't. And we need to stop pretending they can.
You actually think the american people are going to elect a black woman or a gay male? Seriously?? lol
You don't see the gift we'd be handing Trump by nominating a democratic socialist when fear of rampant socialism is Trump's number one most potent fear card?
The further away the dem candidate is from the center the worse they're polling, and the worse they'll get beaten.
Trump himself least of all wants to face Biden.

First priority: WIN

Then if desired inject more progressive policy once in power. But for god's sake you have to WIN first. And Biden CAN win.

This idea that as a candidate he's just another Hillary is preposterous. She was weighed down by so much baggage over the course of so many years including being the subject of of multiple investigations it was idiotic to choose her in the first place.
Reflected in having her FBI investigation re-opened 2 weeks before election day and watching her polling numbers take a significant last minute dive.
That kinda shit ain't gonna happen with Joe.
Is he the perfect candidate? No. Nobody is. But he CAN win. And right now that's all that matters.
First priority: WIN

Then if desired inject more progressive policy once in power. But for god's sake you have to WIN first. And Biden CAN win.

This idea that as a candidate he's just another Hillary is preposterous. She was weighed down by so much baggage over the course of so many years including being the subject of of multiple investigations it was idiotic to choose her in the first place.
Reflected in having her FBI investigation re-opened 2 weeks before election day and watching her polling numbers take a significant last minute dive.
That kinda shit ain't gonna happen with Joe.
Is he the perfect candidate? No. Nobody is. But he CAN win. And right now that's all that matters.
Ok, let's assume he can win (which I don't agree with but let's assume he can). He's not the only one who can.

You say : "First win, the inject so policy". I say : "To win you need policy"; We know Trump's policy. But we don't know Biden's. Just like we didn't knew Hillary's. A Far-Right candidate with clear policy vs a Center-Right candidate with no policy, we've seen thzt 4 years ago, we know how it ended.

You say Hillary was plagued by so many scandals and Biden isn't. The truth is most votyers do not really cared about these scandals. They picked Trump over Hillar because they thought Trump was in trouch with them, with their issues contrary to Hillary who they felt was totally out-of-touch.
And on that, Biden' no better :

Speaking to a room full of wealthy donors in New York City’s Carlyle Hotel, Biden said he would not “demonize” the rich and promised them that their lifestyles would not change under his watchful eye, the Hill reported.
“No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change,” Biden told the room of 100 supporters, who were served lobster hors d'oeuvres.

People want their standart of living to change, they want fundamental changes.
No one votes for the candidates who's telling he's not gonna change anything, no one gets enthusiastic about keeping the status quo. People vote for soemone who promises them big positive changes, they get enthusiastic for the candidate who promises them that their life will be better, much better.
That's what got Obama elected, that's what got Trump elected. That's why no former VP has ever been elected since 1989, when former Reagan VP Georges H.W. Bush was elected
I do tip my cap to your idealism, Johan.
But as a mainstream american democrat living right here in america in the middle of this mess I'm telling you that barring some kind of major economic downturn between now and 2020 america simply will not elect a democrat who is too far from the middle. The numbers simply are not there.

The passion for some of them as individuals is, but the cumulative numbers to elect are not.

Biden is someone democrats know. He's someone we trust. He can't be demonized the way Trump will so effectively demonize the rest. In any contest of character, morals, family, faith and ethics he will have Trump on the run, and Trump knows this. And I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like he had no policy issues to attack with as well. There are plenty, from foreign policy to the environment to elements of the economy that have underperformed and/or placed our economy more at risk than it might appear to be in the short term.

The truth is most voters do not really cared about these scandals.

As a keen observer of my fellow americans I have to differ with you here. They hung over her entire candidacy as a dark cloud, going all the way back to her husband having lied so brazenly about his affairs. The right constantly bombarded the public with that as indicative of both of them lacking candor and character. They constantly bombarded the airwaves with fabrications about Benghazi. And her email issues, which between the Kremlin and Wikileaks were also regularly and strategically thrown in the public's face to create uncertainty and mistrust. And again, if you look back at almost ALL the major polls the re-opening of her email investigation at the last minute greatly affected her polling numbers, dropping her from a double digit lead to narrow single digit leads in almost every case just as election day approached

You and I and Straight we are all on the same side. But to achieve anything we must first win, and all of the numbers indicate at this point that Biden gives us our best chance.
You think Biden can't be demonised ? Oh boy...
The Right is gonna hit him again and again about how he interracts with women. "Creepy Joe" is already a thing among Trump voters
The Right is gonna hit him hard about how, as Obama's VP, he's just a puppet and how in reality, Obama is gonna be the real president while Biden will only be the acting president

Biden is someone democrats know.
Exactly. And what could be an asset in the primary could also be a defect in the general election. Elections aren't won by Democrat or Republican voters. Elections are won by independant voters. To win the election, a candidate needs to convince most of the independant voters. And independant voters don't trust establishment candidates anymore.

A common mistake is to think those we call "independant voters" are centrists voters, people who would vote for Biden over Trump or for Rubio over Bernie. That's not the reality. Many "independant" voters are people who don't trust politicians, think they do the bidings of the 1% at the expanse of average americans like them.
Trump did succeeded to convince them that he was on their side, that he would rock the boat and that they would benefit from a Trump presidency. Hillary wasn't able to convince them. Biden won't be either. But on this issue, these people trust Bernie more than Trump. If you're not convinced about that, just watch the two Town-Halls "Bernie Sanders in Trump Country", many Trump voters admitting they would have voted for Bernie Sanders over Trump
You think Biden can have Trump on the run on racism ? Think again :

Biden Defends Comments About Working With Segregationist Lawmakers

At a New York City fundraiser Tuesday night, Biden told donors he has reached across the aisle throughout his career. "I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland," Biden said, according to a pool report. "He never called me 'boy'; he always called me 'son.' "
Eastland represented Mississippi in the Senate for decades. He decried integration in public schools, the military and elsewhere and was a staunch opponent of civil rights legislation.

At the height of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s landmark Montgomery bus boycott, Eastland told a segregationist rally that "In every stage of the bus boycott we have been oppressed and degraded because of black, slimy, juicy, unbearably stinking n*****s." According to Robert Caro's Master Of The Senate, Eastland went on to urge the crowd to "abolish the Negro race" with "guns, bows and arrows, slingshots, and knives."

That's the kind of gaffe that could make him lose a lot of black voters, that could make a lot of black voters stay home rather than go to the voting booth.

We know Biden is used to make such gaffes and we know that the Trump campaign are gonna use them, spin them as much as possible, ad nauseum and even more than that.


Staff member
Biden: For Eight Years the Obama Administration Didn’t Have a Single Scandal or Lie

please let me laugh :laugh::1orglaugh::facepalm::rolleyes::thefinger:

'Deep personal relationships': Joe Biden's six segregationist friends

Biden Talks Income Inequality at $2,800-a-Head Manhattan Fundraiser

Biden Calls for Billionaires, Millionaires To Have Access to Medicaid


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Staff member
Biden Compares Trump’s Presidency to Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination
https://thepoliticalinsider.com/bid...m_recirculation&spotim_referrer=recirculation sure thing moron :facepalm::rolleyes::thefinger:

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