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Why Biden would be the worst candidate Democrats could pick

Biden had one opportunity : to exploit the mishandling of the coronavirus situation by the Trump administration. He did nothing, he stayed silent :facepalm:
Now Trump's approval rating is higher than ever :brick:

Most Electable ? Give me a break, the guy's brain dead ! Debates are gonna be blood-bathes, Trump will litterally destroy Biden without even pulling a sweat and Biden won't even realize it.
Biden had one opportunity : to exploit the mishandling of the coronavirus situation by the Trump administration. He did nothing, he stayed silent :facepalm:
Now Trump's approval rating is higher than ever :brick:

Most Electable ? Give me a break, the guy's brain dead ! Debates are gonna be blood-bathes, Trump will litterally destroy Biden without even pulling a sweat and Biden won't even realize it.


Joe Biden on Friday lambasted President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, telling Trump to "stop swerving between over-promising, buck-passing, and start delivering protection to our people."

"He's all over the map. In a crisis we need leadership that's straightforward, clear and reliable," the former vice president, who has been home in Wilmington, Delaware, said during a call with reporters. Biden has built a near-insurmountable lead over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for the Democratic 2020 nomination.
Visit CNN's Election Center for full coverage of the 2020 race
Biden said Trump is "behind the curve" and "promising results he has not delivered and announcing actions that he has not even ordered," pointing to Trump's comments that don't match reality on the availability of coronavirus tests and a vaccine.
As you said : "On Friday". That's way too late. He should have tackled at least a week before, when Trump was down-playing the situation. Now that the Trump administration has announced that $1,000 payment for all maericans, anything Biden could say desn't matter, won't get any media attention, won't be noticed by the American people
$1,000 payment for all maericans

a whopping 1000. I guess we can count it down by tens as we're dying. Might make it seem like an actual difference maker.

anything Biden could say desn't matter, won't get any media attention, won't be noticed by the American people

Still disagree. Trump's tits are in the ringer, big time, and nobody is more aware of that than Trump.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Trump is a total disaster, but everyone that didn't vote for his orange ass already knew that. It took real sheer dumbfuckery to look at The Trump Swine and think, "yeah, that's the guy I want, a lifelong con artist with multiple bankruptcies, shady business practices, failed marriages, serial philander, misogynist, corrupt, and all around shit bag, that's the guy that reprents my values and what's important to me and my fambly!"


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The question is:

Is this just another brutal sign of the choice to have the most incompetent, amateur, lobbyist administration in you nation's history - or is that a deadly strategy? Because this is deadly, make no mistake. And Donald Trump was warned this will come some day, and he CHOSE to do nothing.

Pentagon says it still hasn't sent ventilators because it hasn't been told where to send them

Washington (CNN)Despite having committed to transferring 2,000 ventilators in military stocks to the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Health and Human Services to fight the coronavirus outbreak, the Pentagon has not shipped any of them because the agencies have not asked for them or provided a shipping location, the Pentagon's top logistics official said Tuesday.
In order to ship the badly needed equipment, the Defense Department has to be given a location to send them by civilian authorities who have to decide where the items are most needed.
"There was discussion with HHS on where to send them. And then they said hey wait, we're trying to take a look at the demand that's required, and so we were asked to just wait while there was just some sorting through on that. And I won't speak on behalf of them, but we were in a position to provide 2,000," said Lt. General Giovanni Tuck.
Tuck said he had no details on the HHS decisions, but added that "we haven't provided any, because as of last night, we were asked to just hold on the ones that we have, and then we will push them when they're ready for them."




Staff member
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Staff member
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Staff member
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Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Great job, Joe. I'm so excited the hairs on my taint are standing up. Maybe they shoulda listened to Biden's original idea and shot the whole deal on BetaMax.


Just when I was starting to think i may have called the election a little early, just when I was starting to think a Biden victory wasn't totally impossible...

What he just did :

¨Please, people who thought this clown was the most electable and the best democratic candidate in the democratic primary, tell me : Are you still 100% positive there was no better candidate ? Is that the best Democrats have to to offer. If so, just shut the party down 'cause I can hear Trump having a victory lap in the Oval Office from here !
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It's quite strange, almost as if the Democrats are planning to lose by design, surely that can be the only answer, there's already been an agreement made to keep Trump in power.
It's quite strange, almost as if the Democrats are planning to lose by design, surely that can be the only answer, there's already been an agreement made to keep Trump in power.

It might not be a terrible idea. The next president and their entire team are going to need to be absolutely phenomenal in order to clean up this administration's messes. Many of the land mines trump has laid haven't even been stepped on yet, and we all know full well that if a democratic president takes over in 2020 they'll have the red-hat wearers blaming them for every mess trump made.
Every single government department is going to have to be rebuilt from scratch. Sure, you might get a lot of those career servants back, but many have been lost permanently, and you're going to have to weed out all of the corruption. The economy is going to be a quivering mess by this time next year. The trump recession was always coming, with or without coronavirus, but because of the virus it's going to be bigger than anyone could have predicted. You're going to have to re-implement all of the regulations he rolled back to let his rich buddies and family lay waste to the countryside for a bit of profit. You're going to have to do something big with health care, because what you have now is the rotting carcass of Obamacare that republicans have left lying in the middle of the road that's not helping anyone. Someone's going to have to clean up all those concentration camps you've got down south too, reunite families, rebuild ICE, and prosecute all the agents who are enjoying getting away with human rights violations under trump.
And on top of all this, you need to start repairing the massive damage he's done to foreign relationships. Sure, most Western democracies have just taken a step back and will be ready to come back once you get rid of trump. But there are others that are going to take decades or generations to repair, if they can be repaired at all. He's burned the Kurds to the point that they've gone and aligned themselves with Russia, he pissed off Iraq to the point that they'll never be the ally you spent 15 years and thousands of US lives trying to build them into, they're buddied up with Iran now, who you used to be civil with, Obama was even able to get them to stop developing nukes, but they're back on the nuke trail and getting friendly with Russia now thanks to trumps diplomatic efforts. Then you've got Afghanistan, where you had the fragile beginnings of a national government, until trump surrendered, gave them back 4000 captured fighters in exchange for nothing, and pulled out of the country, so that'll be back under Taliban rule pretty shortly. America has lost every initiative it had in the Middle East under trump. Then you've also got China to deal with, which I doubt will be too bad, depending on how much worse trump makes it between now and then.

So in terms of strategic moves, it might not be the worst idea from the perspective of the democrats to throw away the next term and strengthen their position, but I doubt they're that smart. There's also no guarantee that there would be a 2024 election.
For those of us outside, it's a great academic opportunity to be able to watch a former representative democracy turn into a fascist dictatorship in real time.