Trolled the forum for years. (Trolling used to mean something different ~ browsing without posting, for those younger posters. All 1 or 3 of them.)
Finally reached a story where Fox (whose name is oddly asterisk'ed out, but I never found out why. **********) was going on and on about things, and being some kind of liberal loudmouth in the general chat area. Had to throw in my 2 cents, neither for nor against, but I was having much fun reading the replies.
Soon found myself at 100 posts, that same night. (Remember when you actually had to SUBSCRIBE to a topic to keep track of it? Like... there would be so many new discussions that your reply made it to page 3 or 5 before someone said something? Very active times, those.
Kept making a few dozen posts each time I got home from work. Found myself into the thousands after a year? Years? Who knows.
Got arrested in 2009, served 2 for possession. Didnt have a computer for 2 more years. Didnt have internet for 3 more. (that brings us to 2016, where I didnt feel like talking to anyone until about... a few months ago. SO here I am.)
A few old friends. A few new acquaintances. And none of the places I went to, back then.. are the same. Tumblr isnt for porn. FB is for old people.
Different board, but this applies globally, now:
/pol/ hates politics.
/b/ isnt random.
/v/ hates videogames.
/news/ is half opinion, half bitching from the nationalists.
/tech/ hates technology.
/tv/ doesnt even like their shows or movies.