Why are there so many actor connections?

I know there's probably a simple explanation but why is it that Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Bill Hader all seem to be in the same movies? All three in Superbad, all three in Knocked up, Rogen and Hader in Pineapple express, and Rogen and Hill in Funny People. I know there's probably more movies but I probably haven't seen them.
Look no further than Judd Apatow.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I dont know, but I find the movies to be humorous, I mean its just like when your hangin out with a friend and they walk into a pole, you laugh because its funny I mean, technically its not supposed to be funny but it is.. see? I rambled anywayss I love the guys together, I think they compliment each other very well, but Paul Rudd would have to be my favorite, him in Role Models was just amazing :)
I dont know, but I find the movies to be humorous, I mean its just like when your hangin out with a friend and they walk into a pole, you laugh because its funny I mean, technically its not supposed to be funny but it is.. see? I rambled anywayss I love the guys together, I think they compliment each other very well, but Paul Rudd would have to be my favorite, him in Role Models was just amazing :)

Yeah they are funny I just couldn't figure out how they were always in the same movies. I think Sean William Scott was hilarious in role models and I always loved him as Stifler.
Most of them were on that show Freaks and Geeks. They are friends and they like to work with each other, and often they will have to do with the writing and/or producing of the movies they act in and so will try to get each other involved with whatever projects one of them is working on. The studio's bank on their success and figure they will be continually funny together and so they keep putting them all togteher. Not much to it.

Jewish Conspiracy is also an acceptable answer.
It's a conspiracy to infect your mind so that the Illuminati can put into motion their plans for one world government.

Didn't you know that!?! Jeez!!!! :mad:
It's a conspiracy to infect your mind so that the Illuminati can put into motion their plans for one world government.

Didn't you know that!?! Jeez!!!! :mad:

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I just applied for my gun permit after learning this.:violent:
I know there's probably a simple explanation but why is it that Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Bill Hader all seem to be in the same movies? All three in Superbad, all three in Knocked up, Rogen and Hader in Pineapple express, and Rogen and Hill in Funny People. I know there's probably more movies but I probably haven't seen them.

Those movies are made by Judd Apatow. Judd Apatow is pretty young director and he normally uses an all jewish cast. Except for the women (his wife is leslie Mann from Knocked up) because he seems to like to see jewish men with blond women, but when asked he got annoyed. He doesn't like to see Jewish women with non-Jewish men and doesn't cast them in roles where it could happen.
Most of them were on that show Freaks and Geeks. They are friends and they like to work with each other, and often they will have to do with the writing and/or producing of the movies they act in and so will try to get each other involved with whatever projects one of them is working on. The studio's bank on their success and figure they will be continually funny together and so they keep putting them all togteher. Not much to it.

Jewish Conspiracy is also an acceptable answer.

He was already asked about it, there's no conspiracy. He said that jewish actors understand his scripts better. If you noticed in his new movie Funny People, opening this friday, they talk a lot about Judaism. Adam Sandler is in it, and hopes it will revive his career. The father in Knocked up is also Jewish. Pretty much his whole male cast except the black dude and the asian-american doctor are fellow jewish-american friends of his.
I'll with that statement on Pineapple Express, but Superbad was funny.

I've never seen Superbad. I watched Pineapple Express last month and it was pretty funny, with some long boring parts. I kind of like that scheming drug dealer pal of James Franco, the dude who gets shot,beaten and blown up but still lives.
I know there's probably a simple explanation but why is it that Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and Bill Hader all seem to be in the same movies? All three in Superbad, all three in Knocked up, Rogen and Hader in Pineapple express, and Rogen and Hill in Funny People. I know there's probably more movies but I probably haven't seen them.

You might also like Year One, which is a judd apatow movie and features some of the same actors. The dad from Knocked Up plays Noah along with some of the other people. Jack Black is in it (Apatow said Jack Black is jewish too but I don't know if he was joking or not) and so is Jonah Hill.