You're a spoofer, fan
You're a dialectical - hegelian spinster !
You're a spoofer, fan
I'm sure I've said it before, but Thomas Jefferson said "The government which governs best is that which governs least." and the one that governs least is none at all, so that must be the best choice!
Wrong again, I'm afraid.
The first tenet of taxation is that a tax should be progressive.
That was advocated in the 18th century.
That's a clue by the way.
A flat tax system being a capitalis construct?
You're waffling again, amigo.
And as for citing John Nash ! If I need to know about Game Theory, I'll consult Nash.
Nash did not offer any views regarding taxation.
You're a spoofer, fan
U.S. population in 1800 5,308,483
Allot less to worry about back then. Things have changed so much since then. I think allot of the founding fathers and what they gave to this country.
Thomas Jefferson -
It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness (I dont think both parties pay attention to this)
We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it (Does not ring the past 8 years)
I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
(A reminder of this current recession)
I'm going to ignore everything else you have gotten totaly wrong because it has to do with Soviet states that you keep confusing with Countries that did not exist as actual countries untill after the walls came down.
I am well aware of the coutries that made up Russia of old, I am also well aware of the aggressive actions they took to try and keep thier economic base. .
I'm going to ignore everything else you have gotten totaly wrong because it has to do with Soviet states that you keep confusing with Countries that did not exist as actual countries untill after the walls came down.
If you dont understand that reducing taxes but increasing the tax base generates more revenue in less time than target taxing those who invest in creating jobs and discouraging job growth then you do not yet understand Capitalism at all.
If you dont understand that reducing taxes but increasing the tax base generates more revenue in less time than target taxing those who invest in creating jobs and discouraging job growth then you do not yet understand Capitalism at all.
What Thomas Jefferson did not envision was a 4th branch of appointed Government (the FED) that has a strangle hold on the value of currency, inflation, and deflation.
If the banks were also under the total control of the government the situation would be far, far, worse..
What Thomas Jefferson did not envision was a 4th branch of appointed Government (the FED) that has a strangle hold on the value of currency, inflation, and deflation. If the banks were also under the total control of the government the situation would be far, far, worse. Now if Jefferson were aware that the FED would have been created I am sure our founding fathers would have created provisions in our constituion so that the people could vote on who the govenors and chief of the FED are.
Socialism = Welfare Democracy
Socialism = state-run airlines, state-run UPS, Fed Ex (why not if the Government is already running the USPS United States Postal Service, no more private hospitals, state-controlled liquor, beer board and outlets, state-controlled gambling halls (natioanlization of Las vegas casinos, the Las Vegas strips owned and operated by the US Government), state-controlled prostitition houses (the IRS did run the Rabbit in Nevada) and legalized prostitution (pay and play including hooker tax)
Socialism = state-controlled GM, Ford and Chrysler, Wal-mart and all top 500 companies
Socialism = no death penalty,
*note* - The Nazi Party was also the National Socialists Party.
Something to think about, pinkos.![]()
Socialism fails, has failed and been proven a failure on any large scale.
That is reason enough.