New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yeah, that makes sense - see, I'm observing your "you're-all-FOX-Newsy-and-I'm-just-taking-my-ball-and-going-home", instead of staying and explaining why the left is encouraging South and Central American populations to invade the US. You doubt your own indefensible positions, so you sling mud ("Oh, all you know is FOX News"! - salient contribution, turbo), and run away. Typical of the left, but we make a home for you in this beautiful country, nonetheless. The United States is the Greatest Nation the World has Ever Known - and xfire can stay, even though he hates it, won't defend it, and is eager to give it away to those that would kill us for it. 'sokay.
And I'm saying I'm not making the effort to rehash arguments that have been had 1000x over, I'm not going to bother knocking down your fallacious straw man arguments, nor am I going to dignify how you try to distort liberal positions which you deem to default because, "Ah'm ah Democrat". See, son, since you decided to begin your push with bullshit right-wing partisan talking points, that's where you're being put, as a, "satiated viewer of Fox News", as usual, I was right, right out of the chute and too bad for you if you don't liek it, you can get the fuck over it.