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Why America is the best country and the "goodest" one in the history of the world

You debate the merits of the Greatest Nation that the World has ever Seen, while doing so on a global communications network that the Greatest made for you, with personal liberties and freedom of thought that the Greatest assures you, and resting on wealth (I don't give a fuck if you work at Taco Bell, relative to the rest of the world, you're wealthy - you've got a computer or smartphone, boom, you're wealthy) that the Greatest has provided you.

The United States of America is unquestionably, incontrovertibly, unequivocally, the Greatest Nation that the World has ever Seen. The accumulated good that American hegemony will impart to humanity by the time we're done boning humankind and history (for, alas, all great empires are eventually subsumed into others) will have advanced the species to an extent that no other human government ever has. We fuckin' rock. We worked hard to make it that way.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
yeah sure mocking me.

Nobody will ever address the questions I ask about ISIS/Al-QAEDA because the only possible answer is that the so called terrorists work for and alongside the US GOV.
And if that's the case then that means that the entire WAR ON TERROR is a lie and that Muslims are not the real enemy and 9/11 was not what we were told all these years.
But most peoples brains can not handle this reality that is staring them in the face.

These armies are real. They have thousands of soldiers and a shit ton of weapons and supplies. And somebody is paying for all of it.
Only they NEVER attack the USA or Israel......but you know who they do attack? The chosen enemies of the US and Israel. Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, ect ect. Anywhere the US and Israel need some house cleaning.
And the US never attacks them. But you know who they do attack? The countries and the people who are openly fighting the so called terrorists.
Its so in your face obvious that the only way to not see it is to be stupid or in denial.

See the US is owned by the banks. They are completely in debt to them. It has no money. All the taxes it takes in goes to pay the interest on the debt to the banks.
There is not enough money in existence to pay the debt, there fore the USA is owned by the banks.
Just like when someone gets a loan for a house......the bank owns the fucking house.

And Israel is owned by these same banking cartels. Only not through debt, Israel was given to the banks after WWI. Given directly to the Rothchild banking family in a public letter. That was the main reason for the war among many other reasons as well. And millions died.
The Bolshevik Revolution, same thing. They took over Russia and millions died.

The naive and ignorant OP mentions Nazi's alot. He mentions Japan and how good the US was to these countries after we fire bombed and burned alive a few hundred thousand civilians in one and dropped 2 nukes on the other killing millions of civilians there.
How we fought these countries because they were bad and we were so so fucking good.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
We fought wars with Germany and Japan because they said fuck you to the banks. And after they said fuck you to the banks their countries economies took off. And that is not good for the banks.
So the USA who these banks own fought these countries with an endless supply of money from the banks and an endless supply of propagandized humans who were used like animals to defeat these countries...........and after millions died and these countries were defeated they got new banks. New owners. And the same thing was done in Libya
It had nothing to do with being "the Goodest". Far fucking from it.
And after all that damage and mass destruction things needed to be rebuilt. Trillions of dollars were needed. Where did that money come from? From the same banks. Loaned at an interest which could never be paid off.
That is reality and there is nothing good about it.

You covered a lot of real estate there, brah, let me clarify my smarky comment that you replied-all to, "he's mocking you, it's kinda his thing", wasn't really a comment to you, I was meta-mocking Sean. Trust me, he got it, even though he will call me stupid later, which is entertainment gold, the best Jerry, THE BEST, I would feel remiss not to address some of your points here. But again, that was a fucking tome you writ up there, so forgive me if I pull out a gem or two at a time to polish and admire. Let's begin...

Nobody will ever address the questions I ask about ISIS/Al-QAEDA because the only possible answer is that the so called terrorists work for and alongside the US GOV.
And if that's the case then that means that the entire WAR ON TERROR is a lie and that Muslims are not the real enemy and 9/11 was not what we were told all these years.
But most peoples brains can not handle this reality that is staring them in the face.

These armies are real. They have thousands of soldiers and a shit ton of weapons and supplies. And somebody is paying for all of it.
Only they NEVER attack the USA or Israel......but you know who they do attack? The chosen enemies of the US and Israel. Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia, ect ect. Anywhere the US and Israel need some house cleaning.
And the US never attacks them. But you know who they do attack? The countries and the people who are openly fighting the so called terrorists.
Its so in your face obvious that the only way to not see it is to be stupid or in denial.

ISIS/Al Qaeda is an interesting construct, kinda like the Tea Party of 2008 yore, it's a new way of doing shit. They are well funded by Oil Money, no doubt, but where is that money coming from? Most likely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with Iran, and other state sponsors of terrorism. They don't attack the United States because they can't get here, kinda like the NAZIS and the Japanese during WWII (which you've got all fucked up above, btw), there's too much water between the terrorists and the United States. Over there in the Middle East, they fight, they've always fought, and some of it is religious rivalries, but it's mostly tribal, conflicts dating back hundreds of years or more. I don't think you're entirely wrong, but it's a complicated geo-political issue and you're only looking at part of the picture. I might get back to addressing where you're wrong regarding the second world war, but we've had that debate before, as we've had with the, "bearded mercenaries", but just to make a good faith effort to address your issues, I'm willing to spend a little more time discussing these issue(s).
You misunderstood what I was getting at - look how the U.S. has treated it's bitter enemies that it has defeated in war (Germany and Japan). Both are thriving democracies and economies and have been for decades. We didn't keep them under our boot heel but lavished them with our love and resources and built them back up. Imagine what North Korea could be if the U.S. did the same with them. Look at that famous night satellite photo of the Korean Peninsula. And say the Soviets won the Cold War - the absolute misery we're seeing in Venezuela today would be the norm in so many more places.

Agreed. On the other hand, China has been communist for decades but you can't deny their economy is thriving (+6.9%).
XXX A2M in 4K over 5G. Who else is giving you that? And deep space exploration? And cancer research. And Bluetooth sex toys. And more charitable organizations per capita than any other country in the world. And pizza was perfected here, f.u., Italy. Forget about pizza, what about fake tits?!?! Does that not move the species forward? And Viagra, and shit? We're Gandalfs of happiness and benevolence - where does all this anti-American hatred come from? Personal insecurities, inadequacies? Hurt people hurt people? Come to America, sugar. We'll make it better. You know you want it ;)


Hiliary 2020
Funny timing. I addressed your questions while you were typing you last post :) I think most people don't bother because they figure they already know what the response will be, so why commit the time or energy?

Just so everyone knows, I positive repped you for that.

Come on give it a try. At least answer one of my questions?
Don't cost nothin. C'mon prove the crazy guy wrong.
I ask many questions, plently of chances for you guys to put me in my place.
Do it.
Do it.

xfi thanks for your help in trying to figure it out.
So the money to fund this huge army probably comes from Saudi Arabia?
That's funny. Doesn't the US "sell" Saudi 100+billion in weapons bombs and bullets?
It was all over the news.
I mean sure they need all that weaponry for de-fense I suppose, just like israel does.
But if Saudi may be funding ISIS surely the USA wouldn't say "here ya go, have a shit ton of weapons, we won't ask what ya do with them".
I mean if what you say is true then that would mean the US does arm "the Terrorists".
And Iran also funding them? Any proof?
Surely if our and israels worstest enemy the evil iwanians were funding isis both of their wonderful intelligence agencies would expose it yes yes?

And "the terrorists" don't attack the US because they can't get here?
Anybody can enter the US.
You can cross the Rio Grande on an elephant in front of a border control headquarters for fucks sake, its been done look it up.
Just like in WWII? The japanese and germans attacked the US all over .......where the US was which was in their part of the world invading it..
There are us troops and embassies all over the world. There are troops headquarters outposts all over the middle east and Africa.
Plenty of shit to attack.
This isis al-qaeueada is a huge army, but they never attack their sworn enemy US or israel (but they do attack US and israels enemies) and your reasons just don't explain why.
I mean with enemies like that who needs friends?

And they have been fighting in the middle east for hundreds of years?
True. Fighting invaders like the greeks, romans, british, usa.

Thanks again for taking the time unlike some people.

Right FOUser#4510856320198a? We're #1 We're #1.
Except for the women who at least in my part of the country are mostly 100 or more pounds overweight and look like walking refrigerators with terrible attitudes and bad manners. Usually sucking on a ciggie with their tattoo covered arms and fingers that look like links a summer sausages.
I mean haha its hard to tell if many of them are even female haha.
Most make fucking Sumo Wrestlers look like Karen Carpenter until they speak and that baritone boom leaves their mouths causing all the birds to fly away in a panic.
I mean how do you guys even bang these things? You must need an 18 inch dick just to penatrate them an inch or two.
And other countries have pizza. And breast implants, only better and more real looking, and viagra is sold over the counter and cheap but most men don't need it because their women are so beautiful.
Want to know who wants to leave their country for the USA?
The poorest of the poor from poor countries and on a lesser scale well educated people from poor countries.
And even they don't want to leave.
They come for the money, nothing else.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
xfi thanks for your help in trying to figure it out.
So the money to fund this huge army probably comes from Saudi Arabia?
That's funny. Doesn't the US "sell" Saudi 100+billion in weapons bombs and bullets?
It was all over the news.
I mean sure they need all that weaponry for de-fense I suppose, just like israel does.
But if Saudi may be funding ISIS surely the USA wouldn't say "here ya go, have a shit ton of weapons, we won't ask what ya do with them".
I mean if what you say is true then that would mean the US does arm "the Terrorists".
And Iran also funding them? Any proof?
Surely if our and israels worstest enemy the evil iwanians were funding isis both of their wonderful intelligence agencies would expose it yes yes?

And "the terrorists" don't attack the US because they can't get here?
Anybody can enter the US.
You can cross the Rio Grande on an elephant in front of a border control headquarters for fucks sake, its been done look it up.
Just like in WWII? The japanese and germans attacked the US all over .......where the US was which was in their part of the world invading it..
There are us troops and embassies all over the world. There are troops headquarters outposts all over the middle east and Africa.
Plenty of shit to attack.
This isis al-qaeueada is a huge army, but they never attack their sworn enemy US or israel (but they do attack US and israels enemies) and your reasons just don't explain why.
I mean with enemies like that who needs friends?

And they have been fighting in the middle east for hundreds of years?
True. Fighting invaders like the greeks, romans, british, usa.

Thanks again for taking the time unlike some people.

Saudi Arabia isn't their only sponsor, the U.S. has no problem funding both Islamic terrorists and Israel. Hamas and Hezbollah are both supported by Iran. Like I posted above, it's a complicated geo-political issue, the reason those, "bearded mercenaries" attack, "enemies of the U.S. and Israel", is because they don't like each other as much as they don't like the U.S. and Israel. It's similar to how Christian factions in the United States don't get along, just without the murder and terror part.
I always think of this quote whenever the America fanatics make these threads

"He's a fanatic, so we can stop him, because a fanatic is always concealing a secret doubt."
I always think of this quote whenever the America fanatics make these threads

"He's a fanatic, so we can stop him, because a fanatic is always concealing a secret doubt."

but you're mexican.
and you also don't have a sense of humor.

If America isn't the bestest, why is it drawing your compadres like a magnet? People literally risk their lives to get here. Mexico is a stop on the way.
Re: Why America is the best country and the "goodest" one in the history of the world

Thanks again for taking the time unlike some people.

I took the time too, in post 18. Maybe you missed it.

There are us troops and embassies all over the world. There are troops headquarters outposts all over the middle east and Africa.
Plenty of shit to attack.

And in fact those have been attacked. Many times.
During Bush II there were 13 embassy attacks.
During Reagan 11. Also an attack on a marine barracks in Lebanon.
Right FOUser#4510856320198a? We're #1 We're #1.
Except for the women who at least in my part of the country are mostly 100 or more pounds overweight and look like walking refrigerators with terrible attitudes and bad manners. Usually sucking on a ciggie with their tattoo covered arms and fingers that look like links a summer sausages.
I mean haha its hard to tell if many of them are even female haha.
Most make fucking Sumo Wrestlers look like Karen Carpenter until they speak and that baritone boom leaves their mouths causing all the birds to fly away in a panic.
I mean how do you guys even bang these things? You must need an 18 inch dick just to penatrate them an inch or two.
And other countries have pizza. And breast implants, only better and more real looking, and viagra is sold over the counter and cheap but most men don't need it because their women are so beautiful.
Want to know who wants to leave their country for the USA?
The poorest of the poor from poor countries and on a lesser scale well educated people from poor countries.
And even they don't want to leave.
They come for the money, nothing else.

Ayuh, we got fat chics. That happens when you combine the best food in the world, with the most personal liberties. Shit gets out of hand. We also have the best fitness science in the world, and more hot motherfuckin' bitches, by every conceivable metric, than any other nation ever had or has (some South American countries are movin' quick up that list, incidentally... must be the 'America'). Don't even take a run at our pizza and titties. Get out of here, with that.

Everyone wants the USA - to be the USA, but they cannot - to suckle the USA, then.

They come to cum. USA = Big Daddy Dick (cot-dam right, 18"!). Don't be jelly, darling.

USA forever and ever, amen.


Hiliary 2020
Best Food?Are you F-ing kidding me?
More hot mother F-ing bitches? Are you F-ing kidding me?
Ok Dolph, if you say so. I don't.

I was thinking about Sean Michaels last post.
Seems a little suspicious to me.
Like maybe someone got into his account and posted those horrible words.
Or maybe he had some sort of breakdown? Is he a drinker perhaps?
Just seems like that hateful comment came from way out of left field. I wonder what triggered him.
I hope he's ok.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Cuss you, meester, you grade on a Colombian curve, not everyone has lived that charmed. But I digress, there are three gospels to the food where I live, Texan/Mexican, Cajun/Creole, and Barbecue, and as for me, I like fat chicks. A lot. USA! USA! USA! (Texas! Texas! Texas!)


Hiliary 2020
Cuss you, meester, you grade on a Colombian curve, not everyone has lived that charmed. But I digress, there are three gospels to the food where I live, Texan/Mexican, Cajun/Creole, and Barbecue, and as for me, I like fat chicks. A lot. USA! USA! USA! (Texas! Texas! Texas!)
Actually that's not completely the fact.
Colombia did spoil me as far as women but not just in looks but in attitude.
Almost all the women there are so pleasant. And I believe its like that in most places outside the USA.
And food. I'm sure that most of the food in the US is unhealthy. Even the meat and produce.
And I believe the main reason for that is that the big businesses who produce the shit care about one thing: Profit. Even at the expense of the health of millions. In turn that keeps the medical industry rolling in it as well.
And the government doesn't care I'm sure for many reasons.

AS far as fatness in the US.
I think people here are just so used to seeing almost everybody fat and round and unhealthy looking.
But its not how its supposed to be.
When I was younger almost nobody was fat, now almost everyone is.
Again it goes back mainly to the food supply. We literally are what we eat, and we eat garbage.
And its no accident its this way.

