Who's Done It With A Preggars?

Who's screwed a pregnant broad? Not talking about a little late for her period but totally preggars that might squeeze a pup out before you pinch off your next loaf. She's ready to burst and you're ready to bust. Also, she's not your girlfriend or wife either. So basically, you hook up with some gal who got herself knocked up and then fuck her.


Hiliary 2020
so who has had sex with a very pregnant girl whose baby was not yours?
nice original question there shilinger.

damn i never have, banged a few shortly after the baby was born.

btw the term is preggo, preggars is an adjective.
I just couldn't do it. I know it can't hurt the baby or anything but, just no. I've had sex with women who have had kids. one was never married and the other divorced if that counts for anything


Hiliary 2020
compared to a lot of the other dumbass questions here i don't think its too bad.
its not some pathetic unrealistic fantasy thread usually about some nasty fucked out bag of slunk meat.
I could get on 1000 threads and say they suck, especially those who would you rather pointless threads.
at least verns question is original and has a point (what it is i have no idea).


knows petras secret: she farted.
pregnant girls are hot and all but the question posted her just got weirder as it went on..


pregnant girls are hot and all but the question posted her just got weirder as it went on..

Yea.....But its possible right? Right? I mean them being all hormonal and shit.

Why you would want to........

Ask the thread starter.
I wouldn't have sex with anyone but my babies daddy while I was pregnant. Though I will say sex when prego can feel amazing for the chick.