Little Red Wagon Repairman
I realize a congregation of sweaty perverts is usually not considered a bastion of intellectual hierarchy. Even in a contest to determine "Who Is The Tallest Midget?" there can only be one Danny DeVito. Rey C is my Louis De Palma even though he is more measured and less extreme. Rey C seems to have a healthy distrust for not only both but all sides of the political spectrum. I admire that. If Rey C were Charles Manson I would be his Tex Watson. Dude's a good egg and I enjoy his company. Recently he gave me some sound advice to possibly avoid paying some taxes and because of him I'm also not going to pay a lot for this muffler.
I apologize to the rest of you as we are all geniuses on a certain level but Rey C is just more genius'er. I'll be happy when The Wizard walks by and sees this thread. He may not talk but he sure writes good while spreading his magic.
I apologize to the rest of you as we are all geniuses on a certain level but Rey C is just more genius'er. I'll be happy when The Wizard walks by and sees this thread. He may not talk but he sure writes good while spreading his magic.