Who would you like to get a blowjob from?

Watched "Immortals" yesterday and obviously those two (Freida Pinto, Isabel Lucas) wouldn't be the worst choice...with or without the costumes.

http://i31.**********/big/2012/0220/5a/36e38ae0223ce990fde8378db157c25a.jpg http://i31.**********/big/2012/0220/20/f4e73a7be82dd6714487000f397de720.jpg


Closed Account
Jane Burgess
It turned me on how she so nonchalantly and matter of factly mentions in her official Why She Wants to be Miss FreeOnes Info ... that she gives a Great Blow Job.
I started fantasizing her doing what an Online Friend once told me ... that if we ever met in real life, she wanted to give me a BJ in the parking lot of Chili's. :D