Who would win in a fight between...

Michael Phelps - Got youth and momentum on his side (as long as the extra gold doesn't weigh him down too much)

Tweedledum and Tweedledee


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Cam Clarke(Voice of Liquid)


David Hayter(Voice of Snake)
A Jokey smurf reference is very worthy of rep but I already rep'd you for something else...boo!

My sentiments exactly. Don't worry Titsrock, I took care of it.

The cast of Family Guy or the cast of American Dad?....

Let's break it down

Lois (martial arts training) - Stan Smith(CIA) ....................... even
Peter (fat but determined (just ask the chicken) ----Steve Smith .... Peter
Meg ------- Haley Smith ..............................Haley
Chris (lazy but can get angry) -- Roger (lazy but can get angry) .....even
Brian ------- Francine Smith ............................................even

so far.... Family Guy=1 / American Dad = 1

Final Round:
Stewie --- Klaus .... both brilliant but Stewie has legs. ==== Stewie

Winner: Family Guy


Foxxy Brown vs The Board of Education
I can't give YOU rep for giving rep to Smitty because I gave you rep for something too! Double Boo!

Chiachi or The Fonz