can we see that tongue in action Vicky ?
I can't decide. Send them all round to my place and let me judge them all for myself!!!!!!
We, the regular posters (new or old) on this thread should petition Maurice to at least send us the final standings by "email" and/or the winner instead of having to wait until the Party according to some recent publications. Of course, under the penalty of permanent banishment if you repost it on freeones.
First Gisele posts a fine picture, then Vicky follows it up with one of hers. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE. I feel like a kid who has just been given the keys to the sweet shop.
I know - I'll vote for Got Gisele here at work, and of course, it has to be Vicky at Home (dot com)![]()
Все эти тётеньки страшные похуистки,и никто меня в обратном ещё не убидил,или обнаглели или глупые,прикрывшиеся болтавнёй как бы не навсё согласные.
No way he is going to do that. I think everyone can wait until the party. :thumbsup:
Especially since it's not like it's 2010 and everyone and the family dog has an iPhone, Blackberry, or some other smart phone to upload pictures and info about the winners...including everyone from FreeOnes that will be at the party.
Just sayin...