After seeing her name many times in this thread, I looked up Emma Star...

Turns out I have seen her before, and I have to say...she's quite nice!!! :yesyes:


It's good to be the king...
If we are talking about adult industry then I would go for either Jo Guest or Teresa May. Probably Jo.

However if talking about anyone in the world then I go for Pamela Anderson, Madonna and her that plays Kirsten in the O.C.

There are more but can't think of there name of th etop of my head at the moment will let you know if I think of more in the future.
geileficksau said:
My fav. one is definitely Blake Mitchell

Yahoo!!!!What a beauty, perfect breasted lady!
I checked her out at once, saw some pics from the early days and reckonized her!Never knew her name though!Thanks mate!
Oh, and one of my favorites: Theresa Orlowski (Foxy Lady)



It's good to be the king...


feign said:

Wifey isn't Amber Lynn Bach they looks similiar but defiantly not her :confused:


It's good to be the king...