Who is/was a 'Man's' Man?

Let me put it a bit clearer.

Which man/men would you consider a true man?
By that I mean, masculine, suave, tough, coolness personified..
Someone that you would aspire to be like, if you had the opportunity.

I was recently watching a Humphrey Bogart movie and I thought 'Ya know, there just doesn't seem to be many men around like Humph', these days.'
Men that you look at and think 'I wish I was just a bit like him..'

But where are the 'Bogart' men, these days?
If all you can aspire to be is someone like David Beckham or Johnny Depp, then are we fellow men becoming soft?..
Should we be looking for more masculine role-models?
or is being just a 'pretty-face' enough these days?

Who do you think matches up to your idea of a true 'man'?
Yeah, there are the likes of Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, Van Damme etc.. but are they more than just pretty faces and bulging biceps?

A few that I would pick would be:

(the aforementioned) Humphrey Bogart
Sean Connery (back in his 'Bond' days, anyway)
and at a push, George Clooney

I'm sure there are more that could be thrown into the mix with those... perhaps you disagree with my choices.:dunno:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Bob Marley, he made music with his soul, which for me makes him a 'true' man.
These are the two that resonate most for me...from "back in the day"...

For Modern Men...Ed Burns, Tom Brady and Will Smith top the list...
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Who do you think matches up to your idea of a true 'man'?
Yeah, there are the likes of Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, Van Damme etc.. but are they more than just pretty faces and bulging biceps?

I dunno about Brad Pitt.

He's fond of growing stupidly large beards, and once said he'd like to retire from movies and become a builder...

Builder + Beard = Man
Tossing some names I don't see into the mix...

Modern: Daniel Craig, Chuck Hagel, Randy Couture...

...not many off the top of my head.

Matt Damon is trying reeeeal hard. But he just ain't there yet.

One's who've left us: Joe Strummer, Toshiro Mifune, Lee Marvin, James Coburn, Robert Mitchum, really too many to mention when you start going this direction...

Oh yeah, I know he's still alive:

Shatner.... William. Fucking. Shatner.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
These are the two that resonate most for me...from "back in the day"...

Steve McQueen for sure...and John Wayne. Even if those two were sensually kissing eachother in a dewy meadow, they would still be oozing an insane amount of manliness.


The only James Bond I actually liked (I have not seen the latest yet); Timothy Dalton's.

Tough, capable and relatively sensitive (for a 007). And not walking around with his dick hanging out ALL the time.

I like Vin Diesel also.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Slash, he is my hero, he's such a great musician.
see, this is a question i can deal with

this --> NICEST COCK IN PORN. nothing manly about that, :thumbsup: