Who is this girl?

Help - Brunette in Fredericks of hollywood (MAY)

Who is that hot brunette on the back cover of issue may or july 2005 of Fredericks of hollywood? Help me out please...thanks i advance.


Member, you member...
Re: Help - Brunette in Fredericks of hollywood (MAY)

Don't know, as I don't get that catalog.
Re: Help - Brunette in Fredericks of hollywood (MAY)

Here's her pic:Fredericks of Hollywood - Best of Summer 2005
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From magazine: Fredericks of Hollywood - Best of Summer 2005

Re: Help - Brunette in Fredericks of hollywood (MAY)

I wish I knew, I posted a message asking about Federicks of Hollywood models but it seems no one can find out. Fredricks may not be releasing their info to the public... :(