Well i've done my homework on this one. She is a beauty.... let's get to the point. She's from Argentina, more specific Buenos Aires, capital federal, she lives barrio norte "north neighborhood" (where high or high middle class lives). Short story, back in 2007 she was involved with someone who got caught in a drug deal, apparently her manager was traveling with 17 kilos of cocaine.
Long story:
Her manager "Alejandro Panno", the one who takes the photos and sells them and also had the coke, according to this girl she calls herself a model (in argentina there's tons of models almost every girl wants to be a model, a lots of them really are) but this was actually as you, already know, a porn model, but to her parents, friends, and anyone in argentina, she's a model. Porn isn't a normal thing here, yes there are some girls who take nude photos, playboy etc, but no hardcore porn in a massive scale like in the US, there are few who do, and believe me, they don't like anyone to know. So this girl refers to her as a model, like fashion model, when she's actually a porn model (although also clothes model). The reason why i refered to this, is because i'm adding an interview she had with spanish magazine "interviu" where she states, she's a model and that her manager took her photos and her 2 friends, with very few clothes, and she didn't know where he was selling them, and she found out they were on the web! (ooops! innocent you). Her parents are so proud of her because she's making big bucks, only for modeling??? while other girls her age, who also model (like in fashion modeling, or clothes modeling) don't?, damn she must be really lucky then, ohhh dummy you!
Here's my story: i found this girl today, i was like "wow so hot, and from my country daaaamn". Then i saw some guy posted links, and that hegre stated her as "caro" we all know here "caro" is short for "carolina". Then i looked at some links, and found out her real name, i mean real real, not nicole star! is Carolina Barbero, i thought oook, so i googled her, and turns out she was the same girl "the model" who back in 2007 was caught with drugs, and ended up a couple of days in jail (it was a big deal here, it was all over the news for months, that's why i know it). In order to impress the spaniard press she got "lots of courage" to do naked photos and get the justice's attention, damn must have been very hard to do naked photos and try to save your friends, considering you haven't done any before? >_> This is something we called here as "blanquear" means to legitimize something. With all those problems she had, she saw her chance to get naked, get the approval of her parents, and so when they found out she was doing porn for a long time, they would take it softly. Believe me, people here are still very old fashioned. Dads still hardly let their little daughters get a boyfriend (or do but watch over them lol), imagine they found out they're doing porn or porn modeling.
Resuming, she's a model but also does porn modeling, as you know, to people, family and friends, she only does modeling, to us porn modeling lol. Must be tough dealing with that, i know some girls, who don't do porn, but i mean, they have sex with lots of guys, but they keep it secret, and before it leaks, they're like "ohh don't tell no one dummy, makes me feel like a whore *giggles*" me: "why you fuck a lot of.... ahh never mind slut!" hehe that's a friend of mine, cool person tho.
The interview (photo of her parents):
Her model agency:
An interview for home design (pic included) (she got lost of work after all the buzz):
PD: she did 100-200 bucks per photo session (that's a lot of money here for a day of work), i wonder how much is in the usa for a cutie like her? remember argentina is a 3rd world country, and her "manager" probably is a "vividor" (someone who makes a living out of others resources and work and, eventually, end up ruining their life)
Case closed! Hope you enjoyed my version of the facts lewl, but remember i live here i know the deal.
Hahahah i'm loving this, i've just made a bit more research... The 2 friends who got to jail for 1 year and a half, are also here
their real names are María Belén Tellez and Jésica Almada, local news have already found theire respective sites but can't corroborate that indeed they're them, even though they look exactly the same.
EDIT: Maximum 5 links per thread per 24 hrs. Real names are available on the net. So was not deleted. But do not post personal information of the models.